Current perspectives in forensic psychology and criminal behavior


Current perspectives in forensic psychology and criminal behavior

Curt R. Bartol, Anne M. Bartol, editors

SAGE, c2012

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 271-318) and index



* an open-access student study site which includes relevant articles, as well as articles from the previous edition of this book.


Preface UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION 1. Educational and Training Models in Forensic Psychology - David DeMatteo, Geoffrey Marczyk, Daniel A. Krauss, and Jeffrey Burl UNIT 2: POLICE AND INVESTIGATIVE PSYCHOLOGY 2. Police Psychology: Then, Now, and Beyond - Curt R. Bartol 3. Science and Pseudoscience in Law Enforcement: A User-Friendly Primer - Scott O. Lilienfeld and Kristin Landfield 4. Effective Policing: Understanding How Polygraph Tests Work and Are Used - William G. Iacono 5. The Criminal Profiling Illusion: What's Behind the Smoke and Mirrors? - Brent Snook, Richard M. Cullen, Craig Bennell, Paul J. Taylor, and Paul Gendreau 6. Juvenile Offenders' Miranda Rights Comprehension and Self-Reported Likelihood of Offering False Confessions - Naomi E. Sevin Goldstein, Lois Oberlander Condie, Rachel Kalbeitzer, Douglas Osman, & Jessica L. Geier UNIT 3: CRIMINAL AND DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR Introduction and Commentary 7. Reducing Misconceptions and False Beliefs in Police and Criminal Psychology - Michael G. Aamodt 8. Drugs and Sexual Assault: A Review - Elena Pope & Michelle Shouldice 9. Is It Stalking? Perceptions of Stalking Among College Undergraduates - Lorraine Phillip, Ryan Quirk, Barry Rosenfeld, & Maureen O'Connor 10. Psychopathy: A Clinical Construct Whose Time Has Come - Robert D. Hare 11. Child Sexual Molestation: Research Issues - Robert A. Prentky, Raymond A. Knight, & Austin F. S. Lee 12. What Biosocial Criminology Offers Criminology - John Paul Wright and Danielle Boisvert UNIT 4: LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY Introduction and Commentary 13. Confession Evidence: Common Myths and Misconceptions - Saul M. Kassin 14. Hypnosis and the Law: Examining the Stereotypes - Graham F. Wagstaff 15. Assessing Allegations of Domestic Violence in Child Custody Evaluations - James N. Bow & Paul Boxer 16. Three Types of Skills for Effective Forensic Psychological Assessments - Marc Sageman 17. Developmentally Sensitive Forensic Interviewing of Preschool Children: Some Guidelines Drawn from Basic Psychological Research - Connie M. Tang UNIT 5: VICTIMOLOGY AND VICTIM SERVICES Introduction and Commentary 18. A 10-Year Update of "Review and Critique of Empirical Studies of Rape Avoidance" - Sarah E. Ullman 19. Reporting Sexual Victimization to the Police and Others: Results From a National-Level Study of College Women. - Bonnie S. Fisher, Leah E. Daigle, Francis T. Cullen, & Michael G. Turner 20. Patterns of Anti-Gay Violence: An Analysis of Incident Characteristics and Victim Reporting - Kristen Kuehnle & Anne Sullivan 21. Offenders' Family Members' Responses to Capital Crimes: The Need for Restorative Justice Initiatives - Sarah Eschholz, Mark D. Reed, Elizabeth Beck, & Pamela Blume Leonard UNIT 6: CORRECTIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Introduction and Commentary 22. A National Survey of Correctional Psychologists - Jennifer L. Boothby & Carl B. Clements 23. The Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Offenders: The Current Landscape and Some Future Directions for Correctional Psychology - J. Stephen Wormith, Richard Althouse, Mark Simpson, Lorraine R. Reitzel, Thomas J. Fagan, & Robert D. Morgan 24. What is Correctional About Clinical Practice in Corrections? - Philip R. Magaletta, Marc W. Patry, Erik F. Dietz, & Robert K. Ax 25. The Challenges of Mentally Ill Female Offenders in Prison - Elaine A. Lord 26. Multisystemic Therapy for Antisocial Juveniles: Suggestions for Improvement - Willem H. J. Martens References Index

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