Pediatric success : a course review applying critical thinking to test taking


    • Richardson, Beth


Pediatric success : a course review applying critical thinking to test taking

Beth Richardson

(Davis's success series)

F. A. Davis, c2010

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes index

CD-ROM contains two 75-question exams

System requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7



Over 900 NCLEX-style questions on pediatrics and growth and development into body system chapters. Add a 100- question comprehensive exam at the end of the book, plus two 75-question final exams on the bonus CD-ROM, and learning and studying become easier...and measurable. Students use the RACE model to apply critical thinking to the question types they'll encounter in class and on the NCLEX. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Bonus CD-ROM packaged with every book featuring two 75-question final exams with NCLEX question codes. Click Here for a Special Mail-In Rebate Offer


1. Fundamentals of Critical Thinking Related to Test Taking: The RACE Model 2. Growth and Development 3. Issues Related to Pediatric Health 4. Pediatric Assessment 5. Respiratory Disorders 6. Neurologic Disorders 7. Cardiovascular Disorders 8. Hematologic and Immunologic Disorders 9. Gastrointestinal Disorders 10. Genitourinary Disorders 11. Endocrine Disorders 12. Neuromuscular or Muscular Disorders 13. Disorders that Result in Impaired Physical Mobility 14. Pharmacology Appendices NCLEX-RN Test Plan Timewise Interventions Glossary

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