Problems and solutions in quantum computing and quantum information
Problems and solutions in quantum computing and quantum information
World Scientific, c2012
3rd ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全16件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
Quantum computing and quantum information are two of the fastest growing and most exciting research fields in physics. Entanglement, teleportation and the possibility of using the non-local behavior of quantum mechanics to factor integers in random polynomial time have also added to this new interest. This book supplies a huge collection of problems in quantum computing and quantum information together with their detailed solutions, which will prove to be invaluable to students as well as researchers in these fields. All the important concepts and topics such as quantum gates and quantum circuits, product Hilbert spaces, entanglement and entanglement measures, deportation, Bell states, Bell inequality, Schmidt decomposition, quantum Fourier transform, magic gate, von Neumann entropy, quantum cryptography, quantum error corrections, number states and Bose operators, coherent states, squeezed states, Gaussian states, POVM measurement, quantum optics networks, beam splitter, phase shifter and Kerr Hamilton operator are included. The topics range in difficulty from elementary to advanced. Almost all problems are solved in detail and most of the problems are self-contained.
- Finite-Dimensional Hilbert Spaces: Qubits
- Kronecker Product and Tensor Product
- Matrix Properties
- Density Operators
- Partial Trace
- Unitary Transforms and Quantum Gates
- Entropy
- Measurement
- Entanglement
- Bell Inequality
- Teleportation
- Cloning
- Quantum Algorithms
- Quantum Error Correction
- Quantum Cryptography
- Infinite-Dimensional Hilbert Spaces: Qubits
- Harmonic Oscillator and Bose Operators
- Coherent States
- Squeezed States
- Entanglement
- Teleportation
- Swapping and Cloning
- Hamilton Operators.
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