Popes and antipopes : the politics of eleventh century church reform


Popes and antipopes : the politics of eleventh century church reform

by Mary Stroll

(Studies in the history of Christian thought, v. 159)

Brill, 2012

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references (p. [249]-260) and index



A revolution shook the Christian world in the second half of the eleventh century. Many eminent historians point to Hildebrand, later Gregory VII (1073-1085), as the prime mover of this movement that aspired to free the Church from secular entanglements, and to return it to its state of paleochristian purity. I see the reform from the perspective of much wider developments such as the split between the Greek and the Latin Churches and the Norman infiltration of Southern Italy. Contentrating on the popes and the antipopes I delve into the character and motivations of the important personae, and do not see the movement as a smooth line of progress. I see the outcome as reversal of power of what had been a strong empire and a weak papacy.


Acknowledgments Preface Abbreviations Introduction 1 Imperial Authority over Papal Elections The Patricius Romanorum Bonizo Petrus Damiani Benzo The response of the reformers 2 Henry III's Popes Henry's authority The Three Iniquitous Popes Clement II Damasus II 3 Leo IX (1049-1054): The Normans and the Byzantines The Election of Bishop Bruno of Toul The Normans The Byzantine Empire The first wedge between Eastern and Western Churches Leo's Legacy Summary and Conclusion 4 Victor II (1055-1057) and Stephen IX (1057-1058) Part 1: Victor II (1055-1057) Conflicting Sources The House of Lotharingia/Canossa The Normans After Henry III's Death Part 2: Stephen IX (1057-1058) The Lotharingia/Canossa Alliance Stephen IX's Reign The Significance of Stephen IX's reign 5 Benedict X, Antipope: Romans versus Reformers The Elections of Benedict X and Nicholas II Benedict's tragic Reign The Pierleoni Petrus Damiani Leo of Ostia Liber Pontificalis German Sources Bonizo Panvinius Conclusion 6 Nicholas II (1059-1061) Background and Election Coronation The Collection of 74 Titles 7 Nicholas II: Papal Electoral Decree and Break with the Regency The Papal Electoral Decree of 1059 Two Versions of the Papal Electoral Decree Signatures Panvinius Cardinal Bishops and the King Questions continue 8 Nicholas II: The Normans and the Collapse of Imperial Goodwill The New Norman Policy The North A Critical Reign 9 The Election of Alexander II (1061-1073) Anselm as Bishop Patarines Anselm, Nicholas II and the Regency The Role of Hildebrand How the Election was carried out Conclusion 10 The Election of Cadalus, Honorius II Cadalus as Bishop After the death of Nicholas II The Council of Basel Hugo Candidus Empress Agnes Petrus Damiani Papal Authority and the Lombards 11 Conflict in Rome and the Abduction of Henry IV Benzo in Rome The Arrival of Cadalus Only an Electus Kaiserswerth The Kidnapping 12 From Kaiserswerth to Mantua The Effects of the Abduction on the Schism The Council of Augsburg Dissension within the German Church The Easter Council of 1063 and the renewal of violence Cadalus Returns to Rome War Change of Fortunes and the appeal to the King Conclusion 13 The Council of Mantua Petrus Damiani Calls for a Council The Council of Mantua (May 31-June 3, 1064) Benzo's Purported Expose Analysis of Mantua 14 Instability Following Mantua Adalbert of Bremen and Anno Quedlinburg Ceremony of Henry's Coming of Age Anno's Letters Letter of Petrus Damiani to Henry 15 Ambivalence and Self Interest Expedition of Godfrey to Rome Expedition of Anno, Henry of Trent, and Otto of Bavaria to Italy Petrus Mezzabarba Beatrice and Godfrey Chastised Hugo Candidus Cencius Stephani Frayed loyalties and the Deaths of Cadalus and Alexander II Conclusion The State of the Papacy at the End of the Schism Bibliography Index

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