Sources for the history of western civilization


    • Burger, Michael


Sources for the history of western civilization

edited by Michael Burger

University of Toronto Press, c2009

  • v. 1

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Previously published by Broadview Press 2003"--T.p. verso

Includes index



This two-volume reader documents the history of the West, from the second millennium BC through the twentieth century. Drawing from the well known and the less obvious, Sources for the History of Western Civilization reflects the ongoing reassessment of the canonical texts of Western history. The volumes include generous selections of literature, letters, laws, records, biographical writings, and illustrations that collectively create a rich portrait of the West's intellectual, social, political, and material development. Unlike other readers, Sources for the History of Western Civilization uses complete texts whenever feasible, including those of a number of longer works, such as The Symposium; Einhard's Life of Charlemagne and The Communist Manifesto. Women are well represented and Western Civilization is placed within world history by the inclusion of materials from the Near East, the Americas and Asia. The selections have been newly annotated and the translations have in many cases been modernized. The headnotes introducing each author's work leave room for readers to conduct their own analyses. Please note that both Volume I and Volume II come with the 195-page book Commentaries for the instructor, which contains questions for students and advanced analyses on each reading's relationship to broader historical themes. The inclusion of Commentaries makes Sources for the History of Western Civilization ideal for large courses with sections taught by newer instructors.


Preface Introduction for Students 1. The Descent of Ishtar 2. The Code of Hammurabi 3. The Enuma Elish 4. Inscription of Uni 5. Stele of Neferhotep 6. Hymn to Aton 7. First Book of Kings, 15-19 8. Book of Job 1-14, 21-24, 38-42 9. Homer, The Iliad 10. Plutarch, Life of Solon 11. Aristophanes, Lysistrata 12. Plato, The Symposium 13. Plutarch, Life of Alexander the Great 14. Material Evidence Concerning the Greek World 14.1 Vase (detail) 14.2 The "Priam Painter," Hydria 14.3 Kylix (detail) 14.4 Kylix (detail) 14.5 Column Krater, Attica 14.6.1 Funerary Vase 14.6.2 Funerary Vase 14.7 Harmodius and Aristogeiton, Athens 14.8.1 House on Slope of the Areopagus: Probable Functions of Rooms 14.8.2 House on Slope of the Areopagus: Areas Used by Women and by Men 14.9 Polycleitus, Doryphorus 14.10 Caryatid from the Erectheum, Athens 14.11 Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Cnidos 14.12 Praxiteles, Hermes 14.13 Crouching Aphrodite 14.14 Gaul Killing Himself 14.15 The Pharaoh Sesostris I (?) 14.16 The Pharaoh Queen Arsino II 14.17 The Pharaoh Queen Cleopatra (II?) 14.18 Agesander, Athenodorus, and Polydorus of Rhodes, Lacocn and His Sons 14.19 Market Woman 15. Marcus Tullius Cicero, Letters 15.1 To Julius Caesar 15.2 To C. Trebatius Testa 15.3 To Gaius Claudius Marcellus, Consul Elect 15.4 To Gaius Claudius Marcellus, the Augur 15.5 To Terentia and Tullia 15.6 To Terentia and Tullia 15.7 To Terentia 15.8 To L. Munatius Plancus 16. Quintus Cicero, Letter to His Brother 17. Vergil, The Aeneid 18. Augustus, The Deeds of the Divine Augustus 19. Pliny the Younger, Letters 19.1 To Junius Mauricus 19.2 To Priscus 19.3 To Acilius 19.4 To Trajan 19.5 Trajan's Reply 19.6 To Trajan 19.7 To Trajan 19.8 Trajan's Reply 19.9 To Trajan 19.10 Trajan's Reply 20. Papyri from Oxyrhynchus 20.1 Petition of Syra, daughter of Theon for the Return of her Dowry 20.2 Notice to Chaereas the Strategus of a Transfer of Cattle 20.3 Petition of Tryphon, Son of Dionysius, Against his Wife Demetrous 20.4 Report of a Lawsuit Concerning the Identity of a Child 20.5 Petition to the Praefect from the Husband of Saraeus 20.6 Record of the Sale of a House by Pnepheros, Son of Papontos, to Tryphon, Son of Dionysius 20.7 Declaration of Bacche Regarding her Sale of Sarapous 20.8 Report of a Purchase of Land by Marcus Porcius 20.9 Agreement between Agathodaemon and Gaius Julius Germanus Concerning the Sale of Dioscorous 20.10 Lease of Land by Dionysia, Daughter of Chaeremon, to Psenamounis, Son of Thonis 20.11 Receipt from Chosion, Son of Sarapion, Concerning Wages of Tanenteris, Daughter of Thonis 20.12 Petition of Tabesammon, Daughter of Ammonius, Regarding Appointment of a Guardian 20.13 Two petitions to Clodius Culcianus, Praefect 20.14 Declaration of Aurelius Pambechis to the Chief of the Treasury of Oxyrhynchus 21. Inscription from Mactar 22. Book of Matthew 3-9.32 23. John, Book of Revelation 15-20 24. Perpetua and Others, The Martyrdom of Saint Perpetua 25. Augustine, Confessions 26. Tacitus, De Germania 27. Sidonius Apollinaris, Letters 27.1 To Donidius 27.2 To Bishop Lupus 27.3 To Magnus Felix 27.4 To Ecdicius 28. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule 29. Life of Balthild 30. Einhard, Life of Charlemagne 31. The Dooms of King Alfred 32. Gregory VII, Henry IV, and the German Bishops, Documents 32.1 Gregory VII, The Dictatus Papae 32.2 Letter of Gregory VII to Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor 32.3 Letter of Henry IV to Gregory VII 32.4 Letter of Bishops in Germany to Gregory VII 32.5 First Deposition and Banning of the Emperor Henry IV by Gregory VII 33. Speech of Urban II at the Council of Clermont: Two Accounts 33.1 Account of Fulcher of Chartres 33.2 Account of Robert the Monk 34. Two Letters from Crusaders 34.1 Letter of Anselm of Ribemont to Manasses II, Archbishop of Reims 34.2 Letter from Stephen, Count of Blois to Adele, his Wife 35. Marie de France, Eliduc 36. Magna Carta 37. Canons of the Fourth Lateran Council 38. Court Rolls of the Abbots of Ramsey and Battle 38.1 Court Roll of the Abbot of Ramsey for Elton 38.2 Court Roll of the Abbot of Battle for Brightwaltham 39. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles 40. Ralph of Shrewsbury, Letter 41. City Officials of Cologne, Letter 42. The Statute of Laborers 43. English Statute of 1363 on Food and Clothing 44. Catherine of Siena, Dialogue 45. Barduccio di Piero Canigiani, Letter 46. Petrarch, Letters of Familiar Intercourse 46.1 To Socrates 46.2 To Tomasso da Messina 46.3 To Marcus Tullius Cicero 47. Niccol Machiavelli, The Prince (1-8, 11, 13-18, 23-26) 48. Desiderius Erasmus, Letters 48.1 To Anne of Borselle 48.2 To Jacobus Battus 48.3 To Pope Leo X 48.4 To Lambertus Grunnius 48.5 Lambertus Grunnius's Reply 48.6 To Cardinal Wolsey 49. Martin Luther, Letters 49.1 To George Spalatin 49.2 To Paul Speratus 49.3 To George Spalatin 49.4 To Wolfgang Reissenbusch 49.5 To George Spalatin 50. John Calvin, Letters 50.1 To the Duchess of Ferrara 50.2 To the Priest of Cernex 50.3 To an Unknown Person 50.4 To Melancthon 50.5 To Monsieur de Falais 50.6 To Viret 50.7 To Viret 50.8 To the Faithful of France 50.9 To the Protector Somerset 50.10 To Henry Bullinger 50.11 To Melancthon 51. Articles of the Catholic League 52. Michel de Montaigne, Essays 52.1 On Cannibals 52.2 That It is Folly to Measure Truth and Error by Our Own Capacity 53. Marie de l'Incarnation, Letters (Qebec, 1640-1688) 53.1 Letter to a lady of rank 53.2 Letter to her son 53.3 Letter to her son 53.4 Letter to her son 53.5 Letter to her son 53.6 Letter to her son 53.7 Letter to her son 53.8 Letter to her son 54. The Grand Remonstrance and Petition from Parliament to King Charles I (December 1, 1641) and Charles's Reply (December 23, 1641) 54.1 The Grand Remonstrance and Parliament's Petition 54.2 Charles I's Reply 55. John Locke, Second Treatise of Government 56. Isaac Newton, The Principia Credits Index of Topics

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