The twentieth century and beyond


    • Black, Joseph


The twentieth century and beyond

(The Broadview anthology of British literature / general editors, Joseph Black ... [et al.], v. 6A)

Broadview Press, c2008

  • from 1900 to World War II

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes indexes



In all six of its volumes The Broadview Anthology of British Literature presents British literature in a truly distinctive light. Fully grounded in sound literary and historical scholarship, the anthology takes a fresh approach to many canonical authors, and includes a wide selection of work by lesser-known writers. The anthology also provides wide-ranging coverage of the worldwide connections of British literature, and it pays attention throughout to issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation. It includes comprehensive introductions to each period, providing in each case an overview of the historical and cultural as well as the literary background. It features accessible and engaging headnotes for all authors, extensive explanatory annotations throughout, and an unparalleled number of illustrations and contextual materials, offering additional perspectives both on individual texts and on larger social and cultural developments. Innovative, authoritative, and comprehensive, The Broadview Anthology of British Literature embodies a consistently fresh approach to the study of literature and literary history. The full Broadview Anthology of British Literature comprises six bound volumes, together with an extensive website component; the latter has been edited, annotated, and designed according to the same high standards as the bound book component of the anthology, and is accessible through the website by using the passcode obtained with the purchase of one or more of the bound volumes. Highlights of Volume 6: The Twentieth Century and Beyond include: Joseph Conrad's "The Secret Sharer," "An Outpost of Progress," an essay on the Titanic, and a substantial range of background materials, including documents on the exploitation of central Africa that set "An Outpost of Progress" in vivid context; and a large selection of late twentieth and early twenty-first century writers such as Ian McEwan, Kazuo Ishiguro, and Zadie Smith. For the convenience of those whose focus does not extend to the full period covered in the final volume of The Broadview Anthology of British Literature (Volume 6: The Twentieth Century and Beyond), that volume is now available either in its original one-volume format or in this alternative two-volume format, with Volume 6a (The Early Twentieth Century) extending to the end of WWII, and Volume 6b (The Late Twentieth Century and Beyond) covering from WWII into the present century.


PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY: FROM 1900 TO MID-CENTURY The Edwardian Period The World Wars Marx, Einstein, Freud, and Modernism The Place of Women Avant-Garde and Mass Culture Sexual Orientation Ireland Ideology and Economics in the 1930s and 1940s The Literature of the 1930s and 1940s Literature and Empire The English Language in the Early Twentieth Century HISTORY OF THE LANGUAGE AND OF PRINT CULTURE THOMAS HARDY Hap Neutral Tones The Darkling Thrush The Ruined Maid A Broken Appointment Shut Out That Moon The Convergence of the Twain Channel Firing The Voice Transformations In Time of "The Breaking of Nations" The Photograph During Wind and Rain The Oxen Going and Staying IN CONTEXT: Hardy's Reflections on the Writing of Poetry ALICE MEYNELL ( A Father of Women The Threshing Machine Reflections: (1) In Ireland Reflections: (2) In Othello Reflections: (3) In Two Poets BERNARD SHAW Mrs Warren's Profession IN CONTEXT: Shaw's Prefaces ( from "Preface" to Plays Unpleasant from "Preface" to Mrs Warren's Profession IN CONTEXT: The Profession of Prostitution ( from William Acton, "Prostitution Considered in its Moral, Social, and Sanitary Aspects," in London and Other Large Cities Selected Illustrations JOSEPH CONRAD An Outpost of Progress "Preface" to The Nigger of the "Narcissus" The Secret Sharer from "Some Reflections on the Loss of the Titanic" IN CONTEXT: "The Vilest Scramble for Loot" in Central Africa from William G. Stairs, Diaries from Henry Morgan Stanley, "Speech Given to the Lotus Club, New York" from Henry Morgan Stanley, In Darkest Africa from Joseph Chamberlain, "Speech to the House of Commons (6 August 1901)" from Roger Casement, Congo Report IN CONTEXT: Conrad as Seen by His Contemporaries ( IN CONTEXT: Miscommunication at Sea ( from Joseph Conrad, The Mirror of the Sea: Memories and Impressions A.E. HOUSMAN Loveliest of Trees To an Athlete Dying Young Terence, This Is Stupid Stuff The Chestnut Casts His Flambeaux Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries EDWARD THOMAS Tears The Owl Rain SIEGFRIED SASSOON They Glory of Women Everyone Sang from Memoirs of an Infantry Officer RUPERT BROOKE Clouds The Dead The Soldier The Great Lover ( ISAAC ROSENBERG Break of Day in the Trenches Dead Man's Dump Louse Hunting Returning, We Hear the Larks WILFRED OWEN Arms and the Boy Dulce et Decorum Est Anthem for Doomed Youth Strange Meeting Futility Letters To Susan Owen (7 January 1917) To Susan Owen (10 January 1917) To Susan Owen (16 January 1917) To Colin Owen (2 March 1917) To Susan Owen ([?16] May 1917) To Susan Owen (18 May 1917) To Susan Owen (23 May 1917) To Susan Owen (22 August 1917) To Tom Owen (26 August 1917) To Mary Owen (29 August 1917) To Susan Owen (4 [or 6] October 1918) To Susan Owen (8 October 1918) To Susan Owen (29 October 1918) To Susan Owen (31 October 1918) CONTEXTS: WAR AND REVOLUTION from Anonymous, "Introduction" to Songs and Sonnets for England in War Time "In Flanders Fields": The Poem and Some Responses John McCrae, "In Flanders Fields" John Mitchell, "Reply to 'In Flanders Fields'" J.A. Armstrong, "Another Reply to 'In Flanders Fields'" Elizabeth Daryush, "Flanders Fields" Anonymous, "I Learned to Wash in Shell-Holes" J.P. Long and Maurice Scott, "Oh! It's a Lovely War" from Rebecca West, "The Cordite Makers" from Francis Marion Beynon, Aleta Day from Chapter 24: War Ivor Gurney, "To His Love" Vance Palmer, "The Farmer Remembers the Somme" from Robert Graves, Good-Bye to All That from Chapter 17 from May Wedderburn Cannan, Grey Ghosts and Voices from "Proceedings" of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants' Deputies WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS The Lake Isle of Innisfree When You Are Old Who Goes with Fergus? Adam's Curse No Second Troy Easter 1916 The Wild Swans at Coole In Memory of Major Robert Gregory Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen A Prayer for My Daughter An Irish Airman Foresees His Death The Second Coming Meditations in Time of Civil War Leda and the Swan Among School Children Sailing to Byzantium The Tower A Dialogue of Self and Soul Byzantium For Anne Gregory Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop Lapis Lazuli The Circus Animals' Desertion Under Ben Bulben IN CONTEXT: Yeats on Poetic Inspiration from "The Symbolism of Poetry" from "Four Years" from "Introduction" to A Vision IN CONTEXT: The Struggle for Irish Independence Poblacht na h-Eireann: Proclamation of the Irish Republic Padraic Pearse, "Statement" H.G. WELLS ( The New Accelerator The Star IN CONTEXT: Wells's Non-Fiction from H.G. Wells, The Extinction of Man: Some Speculative Suggestions SAKI (H.H. MUNRO) ( Tobermory DOROTHY RICHARDSON About Punctuation Journey to Paradise "Foreword" to Pilgrimage ROBERT SERVICE ( The Cremation of Sam McGee E.M. FORSTER The Machine Stops ( The Road from Colonus from "What I Believe" P.G. WODEHOUSE Honeysuckle Cottage VIRGINIA WOOLF Monday or Tuesday A Haunted House A Society Monday or Tuesday An Unwritten Novel The String Quartet Blue & Green Kew Gardens The Mark on the Wall Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street from "On Re-reading Novels" from "How It Strikes a Contemporary" Modern Fiction from A Room of One's Own Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 from "A Sketch of the Past" In Context: Woolf and Bloomsbury In Context: Woolf as Writer from Virgina Woolf, A Writer's Diary from E.M. Forster, "Review of 'Kew Gardens'" from unsigned "Review of 'Kew Gardens'" from W.L. Courtney, "Review of Jacob's Room" CONTEXTS: GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION from Edward Carpenter, Love's Coming of Age "The Intermediate Sex" from Havelock Ellis, Sexual Inversion from Chapter 3: Sexual Inversion in Men from Chapter 4: Sexual Inversion in Women from Chapter 5: The Nature of Sexual Inversion from Grant Allen, "Woman's Place in Nature" from Cicely Hamilton, Marriage as a Trade Female Suffrage Anonymous, ["There Was a Small Woman Called G"] from Emmeline Pankhurst, My Own Story from Marie Stopes, Married Love from Virginia Woolf, Orlando from George Orwell, "Boys' Weeklies" from Frank Richard, "Frank Richard Replies to George Orwell" from Robert Roberts, The Classic Slum from E.M. Forster, "Terminal Note" to Maurice from Virginia Woolf, "Old Bloomsbury" JAMES JOYCE Araby Eveline The Dead Ivy Day in the Committee Room ( A Little Cloud ( The Boarding School ( from Ulysses Chapter 13, Nausicaa IN CONTEXT: Joyce's Dublin IN CONTEXT: Beckett and Joyce From Samuel Beckett, "Dante ... Bruno. Vico ... Joyce" D.H. LAWRENCE Tortoise Shout Snake Bavarian Gentians The Prussian Officer Odour of Chrysanthemums The Hopi Snake Dance Why the Novel Matters CONTEXTS: WORK AND WORKING-CLASS LIFE from George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier from "A Debate Between G.B. Shaw and G.K. Chesterton, Chaired by Hilaire Belloc" from Robert Roberts, The Classic Slum KATHERINE MANSFIELD Bliss The Garden Party Miss Brill Daughters of the Late Colonel ( T.S. ELIOT The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Preludes Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar Gerontion The Waste Land Journey of the Magi Marina Burnt Norton Tradition and the Individual Talent The Metaphysical Poets IN CONTEXT: T.S. Eliot and Anti-Semitism CONTEXTS: ELIOT, POUND, AND THE VORTEX OF MODERNISM from Jules Huret, "Interview with Stephane Mallarme," L'Echo de Paris Imagist and Futurist Poetry: A Sampling T.E. Hulme Autumn Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro Alba L'Art, 1910 H.D. Oread The Pool Mina Loy from "Three Moments in Paris" 1. One O'Clock at Night. from "Love Songs" Imagism and Vorticism from F.S. Flint, "Imagisme," Poetry Magazine from Ezra Pound, "A Few Don'ts by an Imagiste," Poetry from Ezra Pound, "Vorticism," Gaudier-Brzeska from Virginia Woolf, "Character in Fiction" Reactions to the Poems of T.S. Eliot from Arthur Waugh, "The New Poetry," Quarterly Review from Ezra Pound, "Drunken Helots and Mr. Eliot," The Egoist from unsigned "Review," Literary World from unsigned "Review," New Statesman from Conrad Aiken, "Diverse Realists," Dial from May Sinclair, "Prufrock and Other Observations: A Criticism," Little Review from "Review of the First Issue of The Criterion," The Times Literary Supplement from Gilbert Seldes, "Review," The Nation from I.A. Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism from Douglas LePan, "Personality of the Poet: Some Recollections of T.S. Eliot" HUGH MACDIARMID ( from In Memoriam James Joyce We Must Look at the Harebell In the Children's Hospital Another Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries JEAN RHYS Let Them Call It Jazz DAVID JONES from In Parenthesis from "Preface" from Part 7: The Five Unmistakable Marks from The Sleeping Lord ( ROBERT GRAVES The Cool Web Down, Wanton, Down! Recalling War NANCY CUNARD from Jamaica: The Negro Island from The White Man's Duty from "Preface" ELIZABETH BOWEN The Demon Lover ( Oh, Madam... STEVIE SMITH Mother, Among the Dustbins The River God Not Waving but Drowning The New Age Away, Melancholy The Blue from Heaven Pretty GEORGE ORWELL from Homage to Catalonia Politics and the English Language Shooting an Elephant IN CONTEXT: Elephants in Asia SAMUEL BECKETT Whoroscope from Texts for Nothing The Calmative Imagination Dead Imagine Krapp's Last Tape W.H. AUDEN [O what is that sound] [At last the secret is out] [Funeral Blues] Spain 1937 [Lullaby] [As I walked out one evening] Musee des Beaux Arts In Memory of W.B. Yeats September 1, 1939 from The Sea and the Mirror [Song of the Master and Boatswain] The Shield of Achilles "The Truest Poetry Is the Most Feigning" IN CONTEXT: Auden on the Nature and Craft of Poetry from Writing CONTEXTS: WORLD WAR II Winston Churchill, Speeches to the House of Commons from "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat" (13 May 1940) from "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" (4 June 1940) from "Their Finest Hour" (18 June 1940) from Harold Nicholson, The War Years: 1939-1945 from Charles Ritchie, The Siren Years Ross Parker and Hughie Charles, "We'll Meet Again" Nat Burton and Walter Kent, "The White Cliffs of Dover" Anonymous, Fucking Tobruk ( from John Lehmann, "Foreword" to The Penguin New Writing David Campbell, "Men in Green" Keith Douglas, "Vergissmeinnicht" from Henry Reed, Lessons of War 1. Naming of Parts Douglas LePan "Below Monte Cassino" "The Haystack" Life at Home Anti-Semitism and World War II from Ezra Pound, "Speech to the English" from George Orwell, "Anti-Semitism in Britain" from Rebecca West, "Greenhouse with Cyclamens" from George Bernard Shaw, "The Unavoidable Subject" APPENDICES Reading Poetry Maps Monarchs and Prime Ministers of Great Britain Glossary of Terms Texts and Contexts: Chronological Chart ( Bibliography ( Permissions Acknowledgements Index of First Lines Index of Authors and Titles

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