Mathematical methods in immunology


Mathematical methods in immunology

Jerome K. Percus

(Courant lecture notes in mathematics, 23)

American Mathematical Society, 2012 , Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references and index


  • The HIV pandemic
  • Basic facts of immunology
  • Quantifying the immune response (assays)
  • Modeling humoral immune responses
  • Modeling cell-mediated response
  • Control of immune response
  • Viewpoint of the virus



Any organism, to survive, must use a variety of defense mechanisms. A relatively recent evolutionary development is that of the adaptive immune system, carried to a quite sophisticated level by mammals. The complexity of this system calls for its encapsulation by mathematical models, and this book aims at the associated description and analysis. In the process, it introduces tools that should be in the armory of any current or aspiring applied mathematician, in the context of, arguably, the most effective system nature has devised to protect an organism from its manifold invisible enemies.


Preface The HIV pandemic Basic facts of immunology Quantifying the immune response (assays) Modeling humoral immune responses Modeling cell-mediated response Control of immune response Viewpoint of the virus General references Index

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