The economic and social structure of Mauritius


The economic and social structure of Mauritius

J.E. Meade and others

(Routledge library editions, . Development ; v. 48)

Routledge, 2011, c1961


The economic and social structure of Mauritius : report to the Governor of Mauritius

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Originally published: London : Methuen, 1961

Originally published as: Mauritius Legislative Council. Sessional paper no.7 of 1961



First published in 1961, this reissue examines the contemporary economic problems of Mauritius alongside those social problems which have a bearing on economic development. As a small and isolated economy, marked by a very rapid rate of contemporary population growth, by an extreme concentration on a single product, and by a great diversity of racial, religious and linguistic groups within the population, Mauritius is a representative microcosm of the economic problems of a large part of the developing world. The book considers the impact of a lower birth rate, emigration and economic development upon the economy of Mauritius, examining in detail the labour market, the prospects for agricultural and industrial development, the financial system and the education system.


1. Introductory 2. The Issues in Outline 3. The Structure of the Economy 4. Labour 5. Agriculture 6. Industry 7. Finance 8. Education 9.The Machinery of Government 10. Summary of Recommendations

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