An African millionaire : episodes in the life of the illustrious Colonel Clay


An African millionaire : episodes in the life of the illustrious Colonel Clay

Grant Allen ; introduction by Gary Hoppenstand

(Penguin classics)(Penguin books, . Literature)

Penguin, 2012

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Bibliography: p. [xxi]-xxii, [xxiii]



A classic of crime and adventure, Grant Allen's An African Millionaire is perfect for fans of books such as Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Thief. Wealthy, confident and handsome, Charles Van Drift is not accustomed to being swindled and his brush with Colonel Clay both rattles and infuriates him. As his South African diamond fortune takes hit after hit from the quick-witted master of disguise, Allen leaves even the reader guessing: who can you trust? Van Drift grows more suspicious of those around him and a few too many misguided accusations shake the millionaire's confidence. Colonel Clay is in his head. Gary Hoppenstand contributes an introduction discussing the reception of the work when it was first serialised in The Strand and the significance of Colonel Clay as the first recurring gentleman rogue.

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