Communicating in groups : applications and skills
Communicating in groups : applications and skills
McGraw-Hill, c2012
8th ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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"International student edition"-Cover
Includes bibliographical references and index
This book was created in the 1990s to serve as an introductory text in small group communication with a specific goal of bringing information about small group communication to as wide an audience as possible in a practical, accessible way. We think that ALL people will be involved in small groups at some point in their lives and they need to know how to make that experience as positive and productive as possible. Thus, this book continues to synthesize current small group theory and research with the goal of presenting this material in as usable fashion as it is possible for the reader. This book continues a long tradition of providing practical applications for the student interested in the dynamics of small group communication. This edition marks the first time two central chapters on communication are integrated into one chapter capturing key principles of both verbal and non-verbal small group behavior within a new definition of communication.
Table of Contents:Part 1: Orientation to Small Group SystemsChapter 1: Small Groups as the Heart of SocietyChapter 2: Groups as Structured Open SystemsPart 2: Foundations of Small Group CommunicationChapter 3: Communication Principles for Group Members Part 3: From Individuals to GroupChapter 4: Becoming a GroupChapter 5: Working with Diversity in a Small Group Part 4: Understanding and Improving Group Throughput ProcessesChapter 6: Creative and Critical Thinking in the Small GroupChapter 7: Group Problem Solving ProceduresChapter 8: Managing Conflicts ProductivelyChapter 9: Applying Leadership Principles. Part 5: Small Group Public PresentationsChapter 10: Planning, Organizing and Presenting Small Group Oral Presentations Appendix: Techniques for Observing Small Groups
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