Valuing environment and natural resources


Valuing environment and natural resources

edited by Kenneth G. Willis and Guy Garrod

(An Elgar research collection)

Edward Elgar, c2012

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



Includes bibliographical references



Over-exploitation of environment and natural resources is becoming increasingly widespread in the modern world. To combat this, environmental economists have attempted to value such resources in order to ensure that they are given due recognition in any ex ante appraisal, or ex post evaluation of projects or policies; and also to ensure that optimal levels of consumption are determined for the resource. This authoritative title brings together seminal papers published in the last three decades which demonstrate the application of a number of techniques employed to value a range of environmental and natural resources. It will be of immense value to students, scholars and practitioners with an interest in environmental affairs and natural resources.


Contents Volume I Acknowledgements Introduction Kenneth G. Willis and Guy D. Garrod PART I OPPORTUNITY COST 1. Michael Norton-Griffiths and Clive Southey (1995), 'The Opportunity Costs of Biodiversity Conservation in Kenya' 2. Richard T. Carson, Phoebe Koundouri and Celine Nauges (2011), 'Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh: A Household Labor Market Approach' 3. Claire A. Montgomery, Gardner M. Brown, Jr. and Darius M. Adams (1994), 'The Marginal Costs of Species Preservation: The Northern Spotted Owl' PART II TRAVEL-COST 4. KyeongAe Choe, Dale Whittington and Donald T. Lauria (1996), 'The Economic Benefits of Surface Water Quality Improvements in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Davao, Philippines' 5. Daniel M. Hellerstein (1991), 'Using Count Data Models in Travel Cost Analysis with Aggregate Data' 6. Nick Hanley, David Bell and Begona Alvarez-Farizo (2003), 'Valuing the Benefits of Coastal Water Quality Improvements Using Contingent and Real Behaviour' PART III HEDONIC PRICE 7. Maureen L. Cropper, Leland Deck, Nalin Kishor and Kenneth E. McConnell (1993), 'Valuing Product Attributes Using Single Market Data: A Comparison of Hedonic and Discrete Choice Approaches' 8. Iain R. Lake, Andrew A. Lovett, Ian J. Bateman and Brett Day (2000), 'Using GIS and Large-Scale Digital Data to Implement Hedonic Pricing Studies' 9. Brett Day, Ian Bateman and Iain Lake (2007), 'Beyond Implicit Prices: Recovering Theoretically Consistent and Transferable Values for Noise Avoidance from a Hedonic Property Price Model' PART IV CONTINGENT VALUATION 10. John P. Hoehn (1991), 'Valuing the Multidimensional Impacts of Environmental Policy: Theory and Methods' 11. Richard T. Carson, Nicholas E. Flores and Norman F. Meade (2001), 'Contingent Valuation: Controversies and Evidence' 12. Ian J. Bateman, Matthew Cole, Philip Cooper, Stavros Georgiou, David Hadley and Gregory L. Poe (2004), 'On Visible Choice Sets and Scope Sensitivity' 13. Nick Hanley, Felix Schlapfer and James Spurgeon (2003), 'Aggregating the Benefits of Environmental Improvements: Distance-Decay Functions for Use and Non-Use Values' 14. Mark Morrison and Thomas C. Brown (2009), 'Testing the Effectiveness of Certainty Scales, Cheap Talk, and Dissonance-Minimization in Reducing Hypothetical Bias in Contingent Valuation Studies' 15. John A. List (2004), 'Substitutability, Experience, and the Value Disparity: Evidence from the Market Place' 16. Thomas Broberg (2010), 'Income Treatment Effects in Contingent Valuation: The Case of the Swedish Predator Policy' 17. Henrik Lindhjem and Stale Navrud (2009), 'Asking for Individual or Household Willingness to Pay for Environmental Goods? Implication for Aggregate Welfare Measures' 18. Ian J. Bateman, Brett H. Day, Stavros Georgiou and Iain Lake (2006), 'The Aggregation of Environmental Benefit Values: Welfare Measures, Distance Decay and Total WTP' 19. Kent F. Kovacs and Douglas M. Larson (2008), 'Identifying Individual Discount Rates and Valuing Public Open Space with Stated-Preference Models' PART V CHOICE EXPERIMENTS 20. Kenneth E. Train (1998), 'Recreation Demand Models with Taste Differences over People' 21. Silvia Ferrini and Riccardo Scarpa (2007), 'Designs with A-Priori Information for Nonmarket Valuation with Choice-Experiments: A Monte Carlo Study' 22. J.R. DeShazo and German Fermo (2002), 'Designing Choice Sets for Stated Preference Methods: The Effects of Complexity on Choice Consistency' 23. Sebastian Caussade, Juan de Dios Ortuzar, Luis I. Rizzi and David A. Hensher (2005), 'Assessing the Influence of Design Dimensions on Stated Choice Estimates' 24. Ian J. Bateman, Alistair Munro and Gregory L. Poe (2008), 'Decoy Effects in Choice Experiments and Contingent Valuation: Asymmetric Dominance' 25. Jurgen Meyerhoff and Ulf Liebe (2009), 'Status Quo Effect in Choice Experiments: Empirical Evidence on Attitudes and Choice Task Complexity' 26. Joan Mogas, Pere Riera and Jeff Bennett (2006), 'A Comparison of Contingent Valuation and Choice Modelling with Second-Order Interactions' 27. Roy Brouwer, Julia Martin-Ortega and Julio Berbel (2010), 'Spatial Preference Heterogeneity: A Choice Experiment' 28. Joffre Swait, Wiktor Adamowicz and Martin van Bueren (2004), 'Choice and Temporal Welfare Impacts: Incorporating History into Discrete Choice Models' PART VI ANOMALIES, COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS AND OTHER ISSUES 29. Jason F. Shogren and Laura O. Taylor (2008), 'On Behavioral-Environmental Economics' 30. Graham Loomes, Chris Starmer and Robert Sugden (2003), 'Do Anomalies Disappear in Repeated Markets?' 31. Charles R. Plott and Kathryn Zeiler (2005), 'The Willingness to Pay-Willingness to Accept Gap, the "Endowment Effect", Subject Misconceptions, and Experimental Procedures for Eliciting Valuations' 32. John A. List (2002), 'Preference Reversals of a Different Kind: The "More is Less" Phenomenon' 33. Susan Chilton, Judith Covey, Lorraine Hopkins, Michael Jones-Lee, Graham Loomes, Nick Pidgeon and Anne Spencer (2002), 'Public Perceptions of Risk and Preference-Based Values of Safety' 34. Trudy Ann Cameron (2010), 'Euthanizing the Value of a Statistical Life' 35. Simon Dietz and Giles Atkinson (2010), 'The Equity-Efficiency Trade-off in Environmental Policy: Evidence from Stated Preferences' 36. John B. Loomis (2011), 'Incorporating Distributional Issues into Benefit Cost Analysis: Why, How, and Two Empirical Examples Using Non-market Valuation' 37. Sergio Colombo and Nick Hanley (2008), 'How Can We Reduce the Errors from Benefits Transfer? An Investigation Using the Choice Experiment Method' Volume II Acknowledgements An introduction to both volumes by the editors appears in Volume I PART I AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL SCHEMES 1. Alan Randall (2002), 'Valuing the Outputs of Multifunctional Agriculture' 2. Roy Brouwer and Louis H.G. Slangen (1998), 'Contingent Valuation of the Public Benefits of Agricultural Wildlife Management: The Case of Dutch Peat Meadow Land' 3. Riccardo Scarpa, Eric S.K. Ruto, Patti Kristjanson, Maren Radeny, Adam G. Drucker and John E.O. Rege (2003), 'Valuing Indigenous Cattle Breeds in Kenya: An Empirical Comparison of Stated and Revealed Preference Value Estimates' 4. Eric Ruto and Guy Garrod (2009), 'Investigating Farmers' Preferences for the Design of Agri-Enviroment Schemes: A Choice Experiment Approach' PART II BIODIVERSITY 5. R. David Simpson, Roger A. Sedjo and John W. Reid (1996), 'Valuing Biodiversity for Use in Pharmaceutical Research' 6. Paulo A.L.D. Nunes and Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh (2001), 'Economic Valuation of Biodiversity: Sense or Nonsense?' 7. David Pearce (2007), 'Do We Really Care About Biodiversity?' PART III ECOSYSTEMS 8. Stephen C. Farber, Robert Costanza and Matthew A. Wilson (2002), 'Economic and Ecological Concepts for Valuing Ecosystem Services' 9. Fredrik Carlsson, Peter Frykblom and Carolina Liljenstolpe (2003), 'Valuing Wetland Attributes: An Application of Choice Experiments' 10. Luke M. Brander, Raymond J.G.M. Florax and Jan E. Vermaat (2006), 'The Empirics of Wetland Valuation: A Comprehensive Summary and a Meta-Analysis of the Literature' PART IV LANDSCAPE AND PARKS 11. Matias Gonzalez and Carmelo J. Leon (2003), 'Consumption Process and Multiple Valuation of Landscape Attributes' 12. Danny Campbell (2007), 'Willingness to Pay for Rural Landscape Improvements: Combining Mixed Logit and Random-Effects Models' 13. K.G. Willis (2003), 'Pricing Public Parks' 14. Robin Naidoo and Wiktor L. Adamowicz (2005), 'Biodiversity and Nature-Based Tourism at Forest Reserves in Uganda' PART V CULTURE 15. John Rolfe and Jill Windle (2003), 'Valuing the Protection of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sites' 16. Edward Morey and Kathleen Greer Rossmann (2003), 'Using Stated-Preference Questions to Investigate Variations in Willingness to Pay for Preserving Marble Monuments: Classic Heterogeneity, Random Parameters, and Mixture Models' 17. Peter V. Schaeffer and Cecily Ahern Millerick (1991), 'The Impact of Historic District Designation on Property Values: An Empirical Study' 18. David Maddison and Terry Foster (2003), 'Valuing Congestion Costs in the British Museum' PART VI AIR QUALITY 19. V. Kerry Smith and Ju-Chin Huang (1995), 'Can Markets Value Air Quality? A Meta-Analysis of Hedonic Property Value Models' 20. Neil A. Powe and Kenneth G. Willis (2004), 'Mortality and Morbidity Benefits of Air Pollution (SO2 and PM10) Absorption Attributable to Woodland in Britain' 21. Ari Rabl, Joseph V. Spadaro and Bob van der Zwaan (2005), 'Uncertainty of Air Pollution Cost Estimates: To What Extent Does It Matter?' PART VII WASTE DISPOSAL SITES 22. V. Kerry Smith and William H. Desvousges (1986), 'The Value of Avoiding a Lulu: Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites' 23. Robin R. Jenkins, Kelly B. Maguire and Cynthia L. Morgan (2004), 'Host Community Compensation and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills' PART VIII CONTAMINATED LAND 24. Larry Dale, James C. Murdoch, Mark A. Thayer and Paul A. Waddell (1999), 'Do Property Values Rebound from Environmental Stigmas? Evidence from Dallas' 25. Joachim Zietz, Emily Norman Zietz and G. Stacy Sirmans (2008), 'Determinants of House Prices: A Quantile Regression Approach' 26. Arianto A. Patunru, John B. Braden and Sudip Chattopadhyay (2007), 'Who Cares About Environmental Stigmas and Does it Matter? A Latent Segmentation Analysis of Stated Preferences for Real Estate' 27. Andrey Kalugin, Satrou Komatsu, Shinji Kaneko and Olena Slozko (2010), 'Citizens' Perception of Past Environmental Damage and Liability in Countries with Transition: Evidence from Kemerovo, Russia' 28. Anna Alberini, Stefania Tonin, Margherita Turvani and Aline Chiabai (2007), 'Paying for Permanence: Public Preferences for Contaminated Site Cleanup' PART IX ENERGY 29. David Revelt and Kenneth Train (1998), 'Mixed Logit with Repeated Choices of Households' Choices of Appliance Efficiency Level' 30. Riccardo Scarpa and Ken Willis (2010), 'Willingness-to-Pay for Renewable Energy: Primary and Discretionary Choice of British Households' for Micro-Generation Technologies' 31. David Pearce (2003), 'The Social Cost of Carbon and its Policy Implications' PART X MARINE 32. Sturla Furunes Kvamsdal and Leif Kristoffer Sandal (2008), 'The Premium of Marine Protected Areas: A Simple Valuation Model' 33. Timothy C. Haab, Marcia Hamilton and Kenneth E. McConnell (2008), 'Small Boat Fishing in Hawaii: A Random Utility Model of Ramp and Ocean Destinations' 34. Christopher G. Leggett and Nancy E. Bockstael (2000), 'Evidence of the Effects of Water Quality on Residential Land Prices' 35. Nesha Beharry-Borg, David A. Hensher and Riccardo Scarpa (2009), 'An Analytical Framework for Joint vs Separate Decisions by Couples in Choice Experiments: The Case of Coastal Water Quality in Tobago' PART XI WATER 36. R.A. Hope and G.D. Garrod (2004), 'Household Preferences to Water Policy Interventions in Rural South Africa' 37. Kenneth G. Willis, Riccardo Scarpa and Melinda Acutt (2005), 'Assessing Water Company Customer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Service Improvements: A Stated Choice Analysis' 38. Nick Hanley, Robert E. Wright and Begona Alvarez-Farizo (2006), 'Estimating the Economic Value of Improvements in River Ecology Using Choice Experiments: An Application to the Water Framework Directive' PART XII PLANNING 39. Kenneth G. Willis (2006), 'Assessing Public Preferences: The Use of Stated-Preference Experiments to Assess the Impact of Varying Planning Conditions' 40. Guy D. Garrod, Riccardo Scarpa and Kenneth G. Willis (2002), 'Estimating the Benefits of Traffic Calming on Through Routes: A Choice Experiment Approach' 41. Anna Alberini, Alberto Longo, Stefania Tonin, Francesco Trombetta and Margherita Turvani (2005), 'The Role of Liability, Regulation and Economic Incentives in Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment: Evidence from Surveys of Developers'

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