
The magician of Lublin

Isaac Bashevis Singer ; translated by Elaine Gottlieb and Joseph Singer

(Penguin modern classics, . Fiction)

Penguin, 2012, c1960

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"Elaine Gottlieb and Joseph Singer ... make this translation as true to the Yiddish original as a translation can be."--P. v

"This edition published in Penguin classics 2012"--T.p. verso



Yasha the magician - sword swallower, fire eater, acrobat and master of escape - is famed for his extraordinary Houdini-like skills. Half Jewish, half Gentile, a free thinker who slips easily between worlds, Yasha has an observant wife, a loyal assistant who travels with him and a woman in every town. Now, though, his exploits are catching up with him, and he is tempted to make one final escape - from his marriage, his homeland and the last tendrils of his father's religion. Set in Warsaw and the shtetls of the 1870s, Isaac Bashevis Singer's second novel is a haunting psychological portrait of a man's flight from love. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature

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