Labour and industry in Australia : from the first settlement in 1788 to the establishment of the Commonwealth in 1901


Labour and industry in Australia : from the first settlement in 1788 to the establishment of the Commonwealth in 1901

T.A. Coghlan

(Cambridge library collection, . History)

Cambridge University Press, 2011

  • v. 1 : pbk
  • v. 2 : pbk
  • v. 3 : pbk
  • v. 4 : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Reprint. Originally published: London : Oxford University Press, 1918

Includes index



v. 1 : pbk ISBN 9781108030670


Sir Timothy Coghlan (1855-1926) was the statistician for New South Wales from 1886. He produced the world's first example of national financial accounts, and is regarded as Australia's first 'mandarin'. His advice was sought by state and federal governments on matters as diverse as tax, public sanitation and infant mortality. In 1905 he took up an appointment as a New South Wales government agent in London, remaining there for the rest of his life. First published in 1918, this monumental book is Coghlan's very personal history of Australia, embracing materials, population growth, trade and land. Population growth and its importance for economic prosperity had always interested Coghlan. In Volume 1, he emphasizes the initial difficulties presented to economic growth by a population consisting mostly of convicts. With many statistical data, he also explores early immigration, trade, land distribution and attempts at agriculture.


  • Preface
  • Part I. From the Foundation of Settlement to the Crossing of the Mountains: 1. Introduction to the first period
  • 2. The assignment system
  • 3. Musters
  • 4. Wages and working hours
  • 5. The currency
  • 6. Land policy
  • 7. The genesis of the wool industry in Australia
  • 8. The industries of the period
  • 9. Trade and prices
  • Part II. From the Crossing of the Mountains to the Abolition of the Assignment System: 1. Introduction to the second period
  • 2. Convict labour. Assignment
  • 3. Free labour
  • 4. Immigration
  • 5. The occupation of land
  • 6. Agricultural and pastoral pursuits
  • 7. The currency
  • 8. Trade and prices
  • Part III. From the Abolition of the Assignment System to the Discovery of Gold: 1. Introduction to the third period
  • 2. Transportation
  • 3. Immigration
  • 4. Land legislation in New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, and Western Australia
  • 5. Land legislation and settlement in South Australia, and the Wakefield theory of colonization
  • 6. Labour and wages
  • 7. Prices
  • 8. Financial crisis of 1841, 1842, and 1843
  • 9. Industries
  • Part IV. From the Discovery of Gold to the Introduction of Free Selection of Land before Survey: 1. Introduction to the fourth period
  • 2. The end of the convict system
  • 3. The discovery of gold in Australia.

v. 2 : pbk ISBN 9781108030687


Sir Timothy Coghlan (1855-1926) was the statistician for New South Wales from 1886. He produced the world's first example of national financial accounts, and is regarded as Australia's first 'mandarin'. His advice was sought by state and federal governments on matters as diverse as tax, public sanitation and infant mortality. In 1905 he took up an appointment as a New South Wales government agent in London, remaining there for the rest of his life. First published in 1918, this monumental book is Coghlan's very personal history of Australia, embracing materials, population growth, trade and land. In Volume 2, covering the period to the late 1860s, Coghlan again highlights population growth, and in particular the role of the state and colonies in organizing immigration, as a key factor in the development of the economy. A theme throughout this volume is the growing independence and confidence of each individual state.


  • Part IV continued: 4. Immigration
  • 5. Land legislation and settlement
  • 6. Industries
  • 7. Wages and conditions of labour
  • 8. Prices
  • 9. The railway beginnings of Australia
  • 10. Currency, banking, and exchange
  • Part V. From the Introduction of Free Selection before Survey to the Establishment of Protection in Victoria, and the Beginning of a Vigorous Policy of Public Works in all the Colonies: 1. Introduction to the fifth period
  • 2. Immigration
  • 3. Recrudescence of bushranging
  • 4. Land legislation and settlement
  • 5. Labour and wages
  • 6. The introduction of coloured labour into Queensland
  • 7. Prices
  • 8. Tariff changes and the establishment of protection in Victoria
  • 9. Intercolonial tariff relations
  • 10. The crisis in Queensland during 1866.

v. 3 : pbk ISBN 9781108030694


Sir Timothy Coghlan (1855-1926) was the statistician for New South Wales from 1886. He produced the world's first example of national financial accounts, and is regarded as Australia's first 'mandarin'. His advice was sought by state and federal governments on matters as diverse as tax, public sanitation and infant mortality. In 1905 he took up an appointment as a New South Wales government agent in London, remaining there for the rest of his life. First published in 1918, this monumental book is Coghlan's very personal history of Australia, embracing materials, population growth, trade and land. Volume 3 covers a turbulent period. Coghlan examines the depression of the 1890s and the banking crisis of 1893, which saw the Federal Bank fail. He also devotes a large section to detailing labour and wages in this period, which saw the unprecedented Maritime Strike of 1890.


  • Part V continued: 11. Trade and industry
  • 12. Currency and banking
  • 13. Railway extension and public works policy
  • Part VI. From the Year 1873 to the Financial Crisis of 1893: 1. Introduction to the sixth period
  • 2. Immigration
  • 3. The exclusion of the Chinese
  • 4. Land and settlement
  • 5. A vigorous policy of public works
  • 6. Labour and wages
  • 7. The maritime strike of 1890
  • 8. Prices
  • 9. The financial developments of the period and the crisis of 1893.

v. 4 : pbk ISBN 9781108030700


Sir Timothy Coghlan (1855-1926) was the statistician for New South Wales from 1886. He produced the world's first example of national financial accounts, and is regarded as Australia's first 'mandarin'. His advice was sought by state and federal governments on matters as diverse as tax, public sanitation and infant mortality. In 1905 he took up an appointment as a New South Wales government agent in London, remaining there for the rest of his life. First published in 1918, this monumental book is Coghlan's very personal history of Australia, embracing materials, population growth, trade and land. In Volume 4 Coghlan discusses in depth the foundation of the Australian Labor Party, which came after a series of devastating strikes in the 1890s. The recovery from depression and crisis, and the growing move towards federation, are also examined, alongside the recurrent themes of immigration, land and industry.


  • Part VI continued: 10. Trade and finance in South Australia
  • 11. Trade and finance in Western Australia and Tasmania
  • 12. The formation of a political Labour Party in Australia
  • Part VII. From the Financial Crisis of 1893 to the Establishment of the Commonwealth in 1901: 1. Introduction to the seventh period
  • 2. Land legislation and settlement
  • 3. Immigration
  • 4. Labour and wages
  • 5. Factory and shop legislation and the settlement of industrial disputes
  • 6. Prices
  • 7. Trade and banking after the crisis
  • 8. The Labour Party: continuation of its history
  • 9. White Australia
  • 10. Events leading up to the Federation of Australia
  • Index.

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