China at war : an encyclopedia


China at war : an encyclopedia

Xiaobing Li, editor

ABC-CLIO, c2012


Includes bibliographical references and index



This comprehensive volume traces the Chinese military and its experiences over the past 2,500 years, describing clashes with other kingdoms and nations as well as internal rebellions and revolutions. As the first book of its kind, China at War: An Encyclopedia expands far beyond the conventional military history book that is focused on describing key wars, battles, military leaders, and influential events. Author Xiaobing Li-an expert writer in the subjects of Asian history and military affairs-provides not only a broad, chronological account of China's long military history, but also addresses Chinese values, concepts, and attitudes regarding war. As a result, readers can better understand the wider sociopolitical history of the most populous and one of the largest countries in the world-and grasp the complex security concerns and strategic calculations often behind China's decision-making process. This encyclopedia contains an introductory essay written to place the reference entries within a larger contextual framework, allowing students to compare Chinese with Western and American views and approaches to war. Topics among the hundreds of entries by experts in the field include Sunzi's classic The Art of War, Mao Zedong's guerrilla warfare in the 20th century, Chinese involvement in the Korean War and Vietnam War, and China's nuclear program in the 21st century.


Note on Transliteration Preface Introduction Reference Entries Agrarian Revolutionary War (1927-1937) American Volunteer Group (1941-1942) An-Shi, Rebellion of (755-763) Anti-Japanese Military and Political College (1936-1945) Anti-Japanese War (1937-1945) Art of War, The Autumn Harvest Uprising (1927) Bandit Extermination Campaigns (1949-1953) Banner System (1601-1912) Beiping-Tianjin Campaign (1948-1949) Beiyang Army (1906-1927) Boxer Rebellion Cao Cao (155-220) Cao Gangchuan (1935-) Changsha Uprising (1930) Chen Geng (Chen Keng, 1903-1961) Chen Xilian (Ch'en Hsi-lian) (1915-1999) Chen Yi (Ch'en Yi) (1901-1972) Chengpu, Battle of (632 BC) Chennault, Claire Lee (1893-1958) Chi Haotian (1929-) Chibi, Battle of (208) China, People's Republic of China, Republic of China-Burma-India (CBI) Theater Chinese Civil War (1946-1949) Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chinese Intervention in the Korean War (1950-1953) Chinese Military Advisory Group (1950-1955) Chinese Offensive in Korea, First (October 25-November 6, 1950) Chinese Offensive in Korea, Second (November 25-December 24, 1950) Chinese Offensive in Korea, Third (December 31, 1950-January 8, 1951) Chinese Offensive in Korea, Fourth (January 25-April 21, 1951) Chinese Offensive in Korea, Fifth (April 22-May 23, 1951) Chinese People's Volunteer Force (1950-1953) Chinese Revolution of 1911 Chinese Summer Offensives in Korea (1953) Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army (1927-1937) Commission of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense (1958-2008) Confucian-Mencian Paradigm Counterrevolutionaries, Campaign against (1950-1953) Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) Dalai Lama (1935-) Damansky Island (Zhenbao Island) Deng Xiaoping (Deng Hsiao-ping) (1904-1997) Dixie Mission (1944-1947) Dongshan Island Landing Campaign (1953) Eight Foreign Armies Invasion of China (1900-1901) Eight Trigrams Rebellion (1813) Eighth Route Army (1937-1945) Encirclement Campaigns (1930-1934) Eunuchs Ever-Victorious Army (1860-1864) Fei River, Battle of (383) Fengtian-Zhili War (1922-1924) First Field Army (1948-1950) Five Seven One (571) Plan (1971) Four Modernizations Fourth Field Army (1948-1955) Fu Zuoyi (Fu Tso-yi) (1895-1974) Fubing (550-1200) Gang of Four (1966-1977) Gao Gang (Kao Kang) (1902-1954) General Departments of the People's Liberation Army Genghis Khan (1162-1227) Grand Canal Great Wall Guandu, Battle of (200) Guangzhou Uprising (1927) Guerrilla Warfare (1928-1949) Gunpowder Guomindang Han, Cavalry of (206 BC-220 AD) Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) Han Wudi, Emperor (156-87 BC) He Long (Ho Lung) (1896-1969) Hong Kong Hong Xiuquan (Hung Hsiu-ch'uan) (1814-1864) Hong Xuezhi (Hong Hsue-ch'i) (1913-2006) Hua Guofeng (1921-2008) Huai-Hai Campaign (November 1948-January 1949) Huang Chao's Rebellion (874-884) Huang Kecheng (1902-1986) Hundred Regiments Campaign (1940) Ichi-go Campaign (April-December 1944) Japan, Attack on Manchuria (1931) Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) (1887-1975) Jiang Zemin (1926-) Jiangnan Arsenal Jiangxi Soviet (1930-1934) Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area (1928-1934) Jinmen (Quemoy or Kinmen) Julu, Battle of (208-207 BC) Kangxi (K'ang-hsi), Emperor (1654-1722) Korean War (1950-1953) Korean War Armistice Agreement (July 27, 1953) Kublai Khan (Khubilai Khan) (1215-1294) Li Desheng (1916-2011) Li Hongzhang (Li Hung-chang) (1823-1901) Li Shimin, Emperor (599-649) Li Xiannian (1909-1992) Li Zicheng (Li Tzu-ch'eng) (1605-1645) Liao-Shen Campaign (September-November 1948) Lin Biao (Lin Piao) (1906-1971) Lin Zexu (Lin Tse-hsu) (1785-1850) Liu Bei (161-223) Liu Bocheng (Liu Po-ch'eng, 1892-1986) Liu Shaoqi (Liu Shao-ch'i) (1898-1969) Long March (1934-1935) Lord Shang (or Shang Yang) (390-338 BC) Luo Ronghuan (Lo Jung-huan, 1902-1963) Luo Ruiqing (Luo Rui-ch'ing) (1906-1978) Lushan Conference (1959) Manchuria Manchus Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) (1893-1976) Mao Zedong, Revolutionary War of (1927-1949) Marco Polo Bridge Incident (July 1937) Marshall Mission to China (1945-1947) Martial Arts McMahon Line Miles, Milton E. (1900-1960) Military Ranks, People's Liberation Army Militia Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Mongols Mongols, Cavalry of (1200-1400) Movement to Resist America and Aid Vietnam (1964-1973) Muye, Battle of (1027 BC) Nanchang Uprising (August 1, 1927) Nanjing, Rape of (December 13, 1937-January 22, 1938) Nanjing, Treaty of (August 1842) Nanniwan Experiment (1942-1945) National Defense White Paper (1998) National Party Congress (CCP) National People's Congress (NPC) National Revolutionary Army (1925-1928) Nationalist Army Nerchinsk and Kiakhta, Treaties of (1689 and 1727) New Army (1894-1912) New Fourth Army (1937-1945) New Fourth Army Incident (January 1941) Nian Rebellion (1851-1868) Nie Rongzhen (Nieh Jung-ch'en) (1899-1992) North China Field Army (1947-1948) Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-581) Northern Expedition (1926-1928) Nuclear Program Open Door Policy Opium War, First (1839-1842) Peng Dehuai (P'eng Te-huai) (1898-1974) People's Liberation Army People's War People's War under Modern Conditions (1985-1995) Pingxingguan, Battle of (September 1937) Qian Xuesen (Tsien Hsue-shen) (1911-2009) Qianlong (Ch'ien-lung), Emperor (1711-1799) Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC) Qin Shi Huangdi, Emperor (259-210 BC) Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) Rebellion Led by Chen Sheng (209-208 BC) Red Army (1928-1937) Red Army College (1933-1936) Red Army Recruitment (1927-1934) Red Guards (1966-1968) Russia, Relations with China Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) Second Artillery Corps (Strategic Rocket Force) Second Field Army (1948-1950) Self-Strengthening Movement (1861-1911) Shang Dynasty (1766-1027 BC) Shanghai Communique (1972) Shimonoseki, Treaty of (1895) Silk Road Sino-American Cooperative Organization (SACO) Sino-French War (August 1884-April 1885) Sino-Indian Border War (1962) Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) Sino-Soviet Conflict (1969-1971) Sino-Soviet Split (1956-1966) Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance (February 1950) Sino-Vietnamese Border War (1979) Small Sword Society (1853-1855) Song Dynasty (960-1279) Song, Fortified Cities (1127-1279) Song-Mongol War (1234-1279) Soviet Union (1922-1991) Spratly and Paracel Islands Stilwell, Joseph Warren (1883-1946) Su Yu (1907-1984) Su Zhenhua (1912-1979) Sui Dynasty (581-618) Sui Yangdi (569-618), Emperor Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) Sun Zi (Sun-tzu, 535-496 BC) Taierzhuang (T'ai-erh-chuang), Battle of (March-April 1938) Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864) Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1958 Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1995-1996 Tang Dynasty (618-907) Tang Gaozong, Emperor (628-683) Terra-Cotta Army Third Field Army (1948-1954) Three Kingdoms (220-280) Tiananmen Square Events (April-June 1989) Tianjin (Tientsin), Treaty of (June 9, 1885) Tibet (Xizang) Tributary System U.S.-PRC Normalization of Relations (1972-1979) Unequal Treaties United Front Wang Dongxing (1916-) Wang Jingwei (Wang Ching-wei) (1883-1944) Wangxia, Treaty of (1844) Ward, Frederick Townsend (1831-1862) Warlord Period (1916-1927) Warring States Period (475-221 BC) Western Han (206 BC-23 AD) Western Views of Chinese Warfare Whampoa Military Academy (1924-1928) White Lotus Rebellion (1796-1804) White Terrors (1927 and 1947) Xia Dynasty (Hsia) (2205-1766 BC) Xi'an (Sian) Incident (December 12, 1936) Xiang Army Xiao Jinguang (Hsiao Ch'in-kuang) (1903-1989) Xiongnu Xisha Islands Defensive Campaign (1974) Xu Xiangqian (Hsu Hsung-ch'ien) (1901-1990) Xuzhou, Battle of (January-May 1938) Yan'an (Yenan) Yancheng, Battle of (1139) Yang Shangkun (Yang Shang-kun) (1907-1998) Ye Jianying (Yeh Chien-ying) (1897-1986) Ye Ting (Yeh T'ing) (1896-1946) Yijiangshan, Battle of (January 1955) Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) Yuan Shikai (Yuan Shih-k'ai) (1859-1916) Yue Fei (1103-1142) Zeng Guofan (Tseng Kuo-fan) (1811-1872) Zhang Guotao (Ch'ang Kuo-tao, 1897-1979) Zhang Wannian (1928-) Zhang Xueliang (Chang Hsueh-liang) (1901-2001) Zhou Dynasty (1027-221 BC) Zhou Enlai (1898-1976) Zhu De (Chu Teh) (1886-1976) Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor (Chu Yuan-chang) (1328-1398) Zunyi Conference (1935) Zuo Zongtang (Tso Tsung-tang) (1812-1885) Appendix: Chinese Dynasties and Governments Chronology Glossary Selected Bibliography Editor and Contributors Index About the Editor

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