Biblical traditions in transmission : essays in honour of Michael A. Knibb


Biblical traditions in transmission : essays in honour of Michael A. Knibb

edited by Charlotte Hempel and Judith M. Lieu

(Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism, 3)

Brill, 2006

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



"A bibliography of Michael A. Knibb"--P

Includes bibliographical references and index



This collection comprises eighteen papers by friends, colleagues and students of Michal A. Knibb on the theme of the transmission of biblical traditions in a variety of contexts. In the main the articles deal with the transmission of biblical traditions in the versions, the pseudepigrapha, at Qumran, and in early Christian writings. The collection as a whole clearly demonstrates the way in which biblical traditions were shaped and re-shaped creatively in the biblical, early Jewish and Christian literature.

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