Microbiology of wounds
Microbiology of wounds
CRC Press, c2010
- hardcover : alk. paper
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
- An introduction to the world of microbiology and biofilmology / Steven L. Percival, John G. Thomas, and David Williams
- Human skin and microbial flora / Rose A. Cooper and Steven L. Percival
- An introduction to wounds / Michel H.E. Hermans and Terry Treadwell
- Burn wound management / Michel H.E. Hermans
- Cell biology of normal and impaired healing / Keith Moore
- The microbiology of wounds / Steven L. Percival and Scott E. Dowd
- Types of wounds and infections / Randall D. Wolcott ... [et al.]
- Biofilms and significance to wound healing / Keith F. Cutting ... [et al.]
- Wounds, enzymes, and proteases / Steven L. Percival and Christine A. Cochrane
- Wound healing immunology and biofilms / Emma J. Woods ... [et al.]
- Antimicrobial interventions for wounds / Steven L. Percival, Rose A. Cooper, and Benjamin A. Lipsky
- Wound dressings and other topical treatment modalities in bioburden control / Richard White
- Factors affecting the healing of chronic wounds : an iconoclastic view / Marissa J. Carter and Caroline E. Fife
It is not the presence of microorganisms, but their interaction with patients that determines their influence on wound healing. Documenting this critical but often ignored aspect of the treatment process, Microbiology of Wounds discusses the microbiology and biology of human wounds in relation to infection and non-healing.
Gain the Necessary Scientific and Clinical Knowledge Pertaining to Chronic and Acute WoundsThe practice of wound healing is dynamic, infinitely complex, nonlinear, and prodigiously individualized to the patient. When one considers the myriad host variables that contribute to the disease state, understanding the intricacies of chronic wounds becomes even more difficult. This book presents the necessary scientific and clinical data pertaining to chronic and acute wounds, and discusses inflammation, epithelialization, granulation tissue, and tissue remodeling. It details techniques for treating chronic and acute wounds and covers the mode of action and efficacy of anti-infectives used in treating wounds. Microbiology of Wounds answers the call for a definitive reference on chronic and acute wounds.
An Introduction to the World of Microbiology and Biofilmology. Human Skin and Microbial Flora. An Introduction to Wounds. Burn Wound Management. Cell Biology of Normal and Impaired Healing. The Microbiology of Wounds. Types of Wounds and Infections. Biofilms and Significance to Wound Healing. Wounds, Enzymes, and Proteases. Wound Healing Immunology and Biofilms. Antimicrobial Interventions for Wounds. Wound Dressings and Other Topical Treatment Modalities in Bioburden Control. Factors Affecting the Healing of Chronic Wounds: An Iconoclastic View.
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