Electronic waste : reuse, recycling and export considerations

    • Price, Jermaine L.
    • Cooper, Richard C.

Electronic waste : reuse, recycling and export considerations

Jermaine L. Price and Richard C. Cooper, editors

(Environmental remediation technologies, regulations and safety series)(Waste and waste management series)

Nova Science, c2012


Includes index



Each year, consumers purchase millions of electronic devices, such as televisions, computers, and cell phones, and are faced with what to do with their used electronics. Recycling can recover a variety of materials, including precious metals, and many electronics can be reused or contain reusable components. Yet, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and industry data show that tens of millions of used electronics are thrown away each year. Moreover, because used electronics often contain toxic substances, such as lead and mercury, their end-of-life management raises concerns about the potential adverse impacts on human health and the environment, particularly when used electronics are exported to countries that lack a safe recycling and disposal capacity. This book examines the EPA's current efforts to facilitate the environmentally sound management of used electronics, with a focus on the view of manufacturers, retailers, recyclers, state and local governments, and other stakeholders.


  • Preface
  • Electronic Waste: Considerations for Promoting Environmentally Sound Reuse & Recycling
  • Managing Electronic Waste: Issues with Exporting E-Waste
  • Issues in International Trade Law: Restricting Exports of Electronic Waste
  • Index.

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