Jesus bleibet meine Freude
Bibliographic Information
Jesus bleibet meine Freude
(J.S.バッハ作品集, 2)
Meister Music, c2012
Musical Sound Recording(Compact Audio Disc)
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Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 -- Präludium, Fuge und Allegro, lute, BWV 998, E♭ major; arr
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 -- Suites, violoncello, BWV 1011, C minor; arr
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 -- Suites, lute, BWV 995, G minor; arr
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For guitar
Shin-ichi Fukuda, guitar
Recorded: Yokohama Minatomirai Hall, Kanagawa, 23th-25th January 2012
Compact disc
Pamphlet contains program notes in Japanese
Meister Music: MM-2120
Contents of Works
- Prelude, fugue and allegro D-dur : original: Prelude, fugue and allegro Es-dur for lute or harpsichord, BWV 998 = 前奏曲、フーガとアレグロ ニ長調 : 原曲: 前奏曲、フーガとアレグロ変ホ長調BWV998 / trans. by Oscar Ghiglia
- Suite a-moll : original: Cello suite no. 5 h-moll, BWV 1011, Lute suite no. 3 g-moll, BWV 995 = 組曲イ短調 : 原曲: 無伴奏チェロ組曲第5番ハ短調BWV1011, リュート組曲第3番ト短調BWV995 / trans. by Shin-ichi Fukuda
- Partita h-moll : original: Violin partita no. 1 h-moll, BWV 1002 = パルティータ ロ短調 : 原曲: 無伴奏ヴァイオリンのためのパルティータ第1番ロ短調BWV1002 / trans. by Shin-ichi Fukuda
- Cholare prelude, BWV 147 "Jesus bleibet meine Freude" = 主よ、人の望みの喜びよ / trans. by David Russell