Rethinking the medieval senses : heritage, fascinations, frames
Rethinking the medieval senses : heritage, fascinations, frames
(Parallax : re-visions of culture and society)
The Johns Hopkins University Press, c2008
- : hbk
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
How much can we know about sensory experience in the Middle Ages? While few would question that the human senses encountered a profoundly different environment in the medieval world, two distinct and opposite interpretations of that encounter have emerged-one of high sensual intensity and one of extreme sensual starvation. Presenting original, cutting-edge scholarship, Stephen G. Nichols, Andreas Kablitz, Alison Calhoun, and their team of distinguished colleagues transport us to the center of this lively debate. Organized within historical, thematic, and contextual frameworks, these essays examine the psychological, rhetorical, and philological complexities of sensory perception from the classical period to the late Middle Ages. Contributors: Marina Brownlee, Princeton University; Alison Calhoun, Johns Hopkins University; Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Stanford University; Daniel Heller-Roazen, Princeton University; Andreas Kablitz, Universitat zu Koln; Hildegard Elisabeth Keller, University of Zurich; Joachim Kupper, Freie Universitat Berlin; Stephen G. Nichols, Johns Hopkins University; David Nirenberg, University of Chicago; Gabrielle M.
Spiegel, Johns Hopkins University; Eugene Vance, University of Washington; Gregor Vogt-Spira, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universitat Greifswald; Rainer Warning, University of Munich; Heather Webb, Ohio State University; Michel Zink, College de France.
Introduction. Erudite Fascinations and Cultural Energies: How Much Can We Know about the Medieval Senses?
Part I: Heritage
Chapter 1. Seeing God: Augustine, Sensation, and the Mind's Eye
Chapter 2. Common Sense: Greek, Arabic, Latin
Chapter 3. Senses, Imagination, and Literature: Some Epistemological Considerations
Part II: Fascinations
Chapter 4. The Critical Sense: Some Spanish Examples
Chapter 5. The Place of the Senses
Chapter 6. Seeing and Hearing in Ancient and Medieval Epiphany
Part III: Hidden Energies
Chapter 7. Perception, Cognition, and Volition in the Arcipreste de Talavera
Chapter 8. Christian Sovereignty and Jewish Flesh
Chapter 9. Paradoxes of the Senses
Chapter 10. Representation and Participation: Some Remarks on Medieval French Drama
Chapter 11. Blinding Sight: Some Observations on German Epics of the Thirteenth Century
Chapter 12. Blinded Avengers: Making Sense of Invisibility in
Courtly Epic and Legal Ritual
Part IV: Frames
Chapter 13. Cardiosensory Impulses in Late Medieval Spirituality
Chapter 14. "The Pupil of Your Eye": Vision, Language, and Poetry in Thirteenth-Century Paris
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