
Depression and melancholy, 1660-1800

general editors, Leigh Wetherall Dickson and Allan Ingram ; advisory editor, Stuart Sim

Pickering & Chatto, 2012




Includes index (v. 4, p. 343-370)



As a psychiatric term 'depression' dates back only as far as the mid-nineteenth century. Before then a wide range of terms were used: 'melancholy' carried enormous weight, and was one of the two confirmed forms of eighteenth-century insanity. This four-volume set is the first large-scale study of depression across an extensive period.


  • Volume 1: Religious Writings Henry More, Divine Dialogues (1668)
  • Edward Fowler, The Principles and Practices of Certain Moderate Divines of the Church of England (1670)
  • Richard Baxter, God's Goodness Vindicated (1671)
  • Joseph Glanvill, Anti-Fanatical Religion, and Free Philosophy (1676)
  • Richard Baxter, The Cure of Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow by Faith and Physick (1683)
  • Frances Norton, Memento Mori: or, Meditations on Death (1705)
  • Richard Davies, An Account of the Convincement, Exercises, Services and Travels of that Ancient Servant of the Lord, Richard Davies (1710)
  • John Stevenson, A Rare Soul Strengthning (1729)
  • William Crawford, Zion's Traveller: or, The Soul's Progress to Heaven (1729)
  • Samuel Clarke, Sermon XIV. Of Religious Melancholy (1731)
  • Anne Dutton, A Brief Account of the Gracious Dealings of God with a Poor, Sinful, Unworthy Creature (1750)
  • John Wesley, The Wilderness State. Heaviness thro' Manifold Temptations (1760)
  • John Langhorne, Letters on Religious Retirement, Melancholy and Enthusiasm (1762)
  • Elisabeth West, Memoirs, or Spiritual Exercises of Elisabeth West (1766)
  • Benjamin Fawcett, Observations on the Nature, Causes and Cure of Melancholy (1780)
  • John Howie, Memoirs of the Life of John Howie (1796) Volume 2: Medical Writings Gideon Harvey, Morbus Anglicus: or, The Anatomy of Consumptions (1666)
  • Thomas Willis, Dr. Willis's Receipts for the Cure of all Distempers (1701)
  • David Irish, Levamen Infirmi: or, Cordial Counsel to the Sick and Diseased (1700)
  • 'Sir John Midriff', Observations on the Spleen and Vapours (1721)
  • Anon., A Treatise of Diseases of the Head, Brain, and Nerves (1721)
  • William Stukely, Of the Spleen (1723)
  • Sir Richard Blackmore, A Treatise of the Spleen and Vapours (1725)
  • John Woodward, Select Cases, and Consultations, in Physick (1757)
  • Richard Browne, Medicina Musica (1729)
  • Edward Synge, Sober Thoughts for the Cure of Melancholy, especially that which is Religious (1749)
  • Anon., A Treatise on the Dismal Effects of Low-Spiritedness (1750)
  • Robert Whytt, Observations on the Nature, Causes, and Cure of those Disorders which have been commonly called Nervous Hypochondriac, or Hysteric (1765)
  • William Smith, A Dissertation upon the Nerves (1768)
  • 'William Wishwell', A Cure for Melancholy (1777)
  • John Leake, Medical Instructions Towards the Prevention and Cure of Chronic Diseases Peculiar to Women (1781)
  • Benjamin Fawcett, Observations on the Nature, Causes and Cure of Melancholy (1780)
  • Friedrich Hoffman, A System of the Practice of Medicine (1783)
  • John Wesley, Thoughts on Nervous Disorders (1784)
  • William Perfect, Cases of Insanity, the Epilepsy, Hypochondriacal Affection, Hysteric Passion, and Nervous Disorders (1785)
  • William Rowley, A Treatise on Female, Nervous, Hysterical, Hypochondriacal, Bilious, Convulsive Diseases (1788) Volume 3: Autobiographical Writings Antony Wood, The Life of Anthony a Wood (1637-69)
  • Alice Thornton, A Booke of Remembrances (1660-1)
  • Edmund Berry Godfrey, Letters to Valentine Greatracks (1666-71)
  • Elizabeth Freke, Some Few Remembrances of my Misffortuns (1671-1713)
  • Anon, An Abstract of the Remarkable Passages in the Life of a Private Gentleman (1715)
  • George Drummond, Diary (1736)
  • Thomas Blacklock, 'An Hymn to Fortitude' (1754)
  • Andrew Erskine, 'Ode I. To Indolence' (1762)
  • Andrew Erskine, Letters between the Honourable Andrew Erskine and James Boswell Esquire (1763)
  • Sylas Neville, Journals and Letters (1767-73)
  • Charlotte Forman, Letters to John Wilkes (1768-9)
  • Georgiana Cavendish, Letter to Mary Graham (1778)
  • John Logan, Letters to Alexander Carlyle (1781)
  • James Boswell, Letter to Edmund Burke (1782)
  • Robert Burns, Robert Burns' Commonplace Book (1783-5)
  • John Gambold, The Rev J G To E V Esq (1740)
  • John Gambold, 'On Lowness of Spirits' (1789)
  • John Gambold, 'A Piece Written at a Time when under Apprehension of Losing his Senses' (1789)
  • Joseph Wright, Letters to John Leigh Phillips (1799-96)
  • Hannah Robertson, The Life of Mrs Robertson (1791) Volume 4: Popular Culture Anon, The Lovers Mad Fits and Fancies ([c.1663-5])
  • Anon, The Discontented Plow-Man ([c.1674-9])
  • Anon, The Love-Sick Maid
  • or Cordelia's Lament ([c.1670])
  • Anon, The Love-Sick Maid of Waping ([c.1682-8])
  • Charles Gildon, The Post-Boy Robb'd of his Mail (1706)
  • Edward Ward, Nuptial Dialogues and Debates (1710)
  • Thomas D'Urfey, The Comical History of Don Quixote (1729)
  • Thomas Gordon, The Humourist. Essays upon Several Subjects (1730)
  • Anon, The Hyp (1737)
  • Wetenhall Wilkes, The Humours of the Black-Dog (1737)
  • Anon., The Temple of Dulness (1745)
  • Thomas Sheridan, The Simile: or, Woman a Cloud. A Poem (1748)
  • Anon, 'Society of the Court of Comus' (1757)
  • Joseph Bromehead, The Melancholy Student. An Elegiac Poem ([1765/9])
  • Ashley Cowper, 'To a Lady' (1767)
  • Pierre John Grosley, A Tour to London (1772)
  • [Matthew Green], The Wag: or Life of Honour, and the Soul of Whim. 'The Spleen An Epistle' (1773)
  • J M [James Murray], The Travels of the Imagination. A True Journey from Newcastle to London (1773)
  • Anon., Mirth, A Poem in Answer to Warton's Pleasures of Melancholy ([1774])
  • George Colman, The Spleen, or Islington Spa (1776)
  • John Rubrick [William Kenrick], The Spleen, or the Offspring of Folly (1776)
  • H Bate Dudley [Sir Henry Bate], The Magic Picture, A Play (1783)
  • Robert Sadler, Wanley Penson
  • or, The Melancholy Man (1792)
  • Edward Walsh, 'Ode to Hypochondria' (1793)
  • Thomas Bellamy, Sadaski
  • or, The Wandering Penitent (1798)
  • John Macgowen, Infernal Conference, or, Dialogues with Devils (1799)
  • Anon., The Budget of Momus (1800)
  • C C, A Melancholy but True Story ([1800])
  • Charles Kemble, The Point of Honour (1800)
  • Anon., 'The Man of Spleen', The Governess, or Evening Amusements at a Boarding School (1800)

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関連文献: 4件中  1-4を表示

  • Popular culture

    edited by Allan Ingram and Leigh Wetherall Dickson

    Pickering & Chatto 2012 Depression and melancholy, 1660-1800 / general editors, Leigh Wetherall Dickson and Allan Ingram ; advisory editor, Stuart Sim v. 4


  • Autobiographical writings

    edited by Leigh Wetherall Dickson

    Pickering & Chatto 2012 Depression and melancholy, 1660-1800 / general editors, Leigh Wetherall Dickson and Allan Ingram ; advisory editor, Stuart Sim v. 3


  • Medical writings

    edited by Michelle Faubert and Allan Ingram

    Pickering & Chatto 2012 Depression and melancholy, 1660-1800 / general editors, Leigh Wetherall Dickson and Allan Ingram ; advisory editor, Stuart Sim v. 2


  • Religious writings

    edited by David Walker and Anita O'Connell

    Pickering & Chatto 2012 Depression and melancholy, 1660-1800 / general editors, Leigh Wetherall Dickson and Allan Ingram ; advisory editor, Stuart Sim v. 1


