The constitutional state
The constitutional state
(Oxford constitutional theory)
Oxford University Press, 2012
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliography: p. [183]-196 and index
The Constitutional State provides an original analytical account of the state and its associated constitutional phenomena. It presents the state as a form of social group, consisting of people, territory and institutions bound together by rules. The institutions of the state make a distinctive and characteristic claim over the people of the state, who, in turn, have a distinctive and characteristic relationship with these institutions. This account
reveals the importance of at least two forms of pluralism - legal and constitutional. It also casts light on some of the more difficult questions faced by writers on constitutions - such as the possibility of states undertaking actions and forming intentions, the moral significance of these actions for the people
of the state, and the capacity of the state to carry responsibility for acts between generations.
- 1. The Paths of Constitutional Theory
- 2. Approaching the State
- 3. The Members of the State
- 4. The Constitution of Social Groups
- 5. States and Their Constitutions
- 6. Laws and Conventions
- 7. The Mentality of the State
- 8. The Responsibility of the State
- 9. Legal Pluralism
- 10. Constitutional Pluralism
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