Lectures on quantum computing, thermodynamics and statistical physics
Lectures on quantum computing, thermodynamics and statistical physics
(Kinki University series on quantum computing, v. 8)
World Scientific, c2013
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全10件
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Includes bibliographical references
"This volume contains lecture notes presented at the Symposium on Quantum Computing, Thermodynamics, and Statistical Physics, held from 13 to 15 March, 2012 at Kinki University, Osaka, Japan."--Pref.
This book is a collection of lecture notes from the Symposium on Quantum Computing, Thermodynamics, and Statistical Physics, held at Kinki University in March 2012. Quantum information theory has a deep connection with statistical physics and thermodynamics. This volume introduces some of the topics on interface among the mentioned fields. Subjects included in the lecture notes include quantum annealing method, nonequilibrium thermodynamics and spin glass theory, among others. These subjects were presented with much emphasis put in its relevance in quantum information theory. These lecture notes are prepared in a self-contained manner so that a reader with modest background may understand the subjects.
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