The Proceedings of the thirteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics
The Proceedings of the thirteenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics
Hituzi Syobo, 2012
- タイトル別名
TCP 2012
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全27件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references
- Learning Exceptions
- Japanese‐Speaking Children’s Interpretation of Measure Phrase Comparatives
- Children’s Acquisition of English Datives:Competing Parametric Accounts
- Modeling of Coreference Relations in Multi‐Object Constructions
- Sentence Processing of Nominative‐Genitive Conversion in Japanese by Turkish Speaking Learners and Native Speakers
- Japanese Children’s Interpretation of Disjunction in Comparative Sentences and Negative Sentences
- ‐To in Japanese as an NPI Scalar Focus Particle
- Wh‐Movement and Inversion in Spanish:A Visual Analogue Scale Analysis
- Implicature Calculation in Young Children:The Role of the Question Under Discussion
- On Episodic Free Choice Items in Japanese〔ほか〕
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