Polymer physics : a molecular approach
Polymer physics : a molecular approach
Springer, c2013
- : hbk.
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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A molecular view on the fundamental issues in polymer physics is provided with an aim at students in chemistry, chemical engineering, condensed matter physics and material science courses. An updated translation by the author, a renowned Chinese chemist, it has been proven to be an effective source of learning for many years. Up-to-date developments are reflected throughout the work in this concise presentation of the topic. The author aims at presenting the subject in an efficient manner, which makes this particularly suitable for teaching polymer physics in settings where time is limited, without having to sacrifice the extensive scope that this topic demands.
Introduction.- Chain Structure: Structure-Property Relationships.-Confirmation Statistics and Entropic Elasticity.-Scaling Analysis of Real-Chain Conformations. Chain Motion: Scaling Analysis of Polymer Dynamics.-Polymer Deformation.- Polymer Flow.-Chain Assembly: Statistical Thermodynamics of Polymer Solutions.- Polymer Phase Separation.- Polymer Crystallization.- Interplay Between Phase Separation and Polymer Crystallization.
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