International human resource management


International human resource management

Chris Brewster ... [et al.]

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2011

3rd ed

  • : pbk


Other authors: Paul Sparrow, Guy vernon, Elizabeth Houldsworth

Previous ed.: 2007

Includes bibliographical references (p. [401]-453) and index



The primary market is now non-CIPD students taking an International HRM course at undergraduate or postgraduate level. The new CIPD postgraduate qualification does not include a specific module on International HRM; instead, all modules are supposed to have an international element. New Contemporary Issues chapter including material on ethics and international HRM in turbulent economic timesMore material on managing and supporting international assignmentsA short case study and a longer case study with questions within each chapter from a range of different countries Improved range of learning features including key learning points, annotated further reading including weblinks, reflective activities and 'theory in practice' boxes Online resources For tutors: Additional case studies with questions PowerPoint slides Lecturer's GuideFor students: Annotated weblinks Test bank of multiple choice and short answer questions

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