Meeting the needs of student users in academic libraries : reaching across the great divide


Meeting the needs of student users in academic libraries : reaching across the great divide

Michele J. Crump and LeiLani S. Freund ; with contributions from Steven Carrico ... [et al.]

(Chandos information professional series)

Chandos Pub., 2012

  • : print


Includes bibliographical references and index



Meeting the Needs of Student Users in Academic Libraries surveys and evaluates the current practice of learning commons and research services within the academic library community in order to determine if these learning spaces are functioning as intended. To evaluate their findings, the authors examine the measurement tools that libraries have used to evaluate usage and satisfaction, including contemporary anthropological studies that provide a more detailed view of the student's approach to research. The book takes a candid look at these redesigns and asks if improvements have lived up to expectations of increased service and user satisfaction. Are librarians using these findings to inform the evolution and implementation of new service models, or have they simply put a new shade of lipstick on the pig?


Dedication List of figures and tables Acknowledgements About the authors and contributors Chapter 1: The divide as we see it Abstract: Introduction Book layout Chapter 2: Services in the information commons Abstract: Introduction Background What works in the information commons environment Reference services: the dinosaur in the commons? Conclusion Chapter 3: A post-occupancy look at library building renovations: meeting the needs of the twenty-first century users Abstract: Introduction Literature review Six library building profiles Observations about the six profiles Survey results Conclusion Appendix New Library Spaces: Post-Occupancy Survey Chapter 4: Assess to cultivate your own library Abstract: Introduction Surveys tracking trends and perceptions Anthropological and ethnographic approaches to assessment User experience in academic libraries Conclusion Chapter 5: Millennials and technology: putting suppositions to the test in an academic library Abstract: Introduction Our research Hardware ownership and usage Online courses Social software and gaming Student research habits Conclusion Appendix Chapter 6: We asked and they told us: survey - 2 Abstract: Survey methodology Survey participant profiles Library user survey: data and results Library staff survey: data and results Library users and library staff: how they compare Review of findings and comments Chapter 7: Reaching across the divide Abstract: Concluding words Appendix A: Library user survey Appendix B: Library staff survey Index

「Nielsen BookData」 より

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示
  • ISBN
    • 9781843346845
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xviii, 204 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID