A history of modern American criminal justice


A history of modern American criminal justice

Joseph F. Spillane, David B. Wolcott

SAGE, c2013

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



A History of Modern Criminal Justice focuses on the modern aspects of the subject, from 1900 to the present. A unique thematic rather than a chronological approach sets this book apart from the competition, with chapters organized around themes such as policing, courts, due process, and prison and punishment. Making connections between history and contemporary criminal justice systems, structures and processes, A History of Modern Criminal Justice offers students the latest in historical scholarship, made relevant to their needs as future practitioners in the field.


Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. The Challenge of Policing Chapter 3. Progressivism and the Courts Chapter 4. Punishment in the Progressive Era Chapter 5. Dark Days in the South Chapter 6. Criminal Justice Research and Professionalism, 1920s-1960s Chapter 7. Liberalism's Twin Revolutions, 1930-1960s Chapter 8. The Expanding State, 1930s-1990s Chapter 9. The Politics of Law and Order, 1960s-2000s Chapter 10. Criminal Justice Goes Global

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