
Feminist frontiers

[compiled by] Laurel Richardson, Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier

(McGraw-Hill higher education)

McGraw-Hill, c2004

6th ed


Rev. ed. of: Feminist frontiers 5. 5th ed. c2001

Includes bibliographical references



The most widely used anthology of feminist writings and the first to incorporate issues of sexual orientation and sexual diversity, "Feminist Frontiers" has stood the test of time. With readings that cut across disciplines and generational lines, "Feminist Frontiers" presents the full diversity of women's issues and experiences, exploring their similarities as well as their differences. "Feminist Frontiers" offers analyses of the causes and consequences of gender inequality and introduces students to feminist theory and methodology. A sociological analysis opens each of the four parts and eleven sections of the book. Boxed inserts, with news articles, humor, and other writings from the popular press complement the readings.


*Indicates new reading or boxed insertPREFACEPART ONE: INTRODUCTIONSection One: Diversity and Difference1. Oppression, Marilyn Frye2. Distinctions in Western Women's Experience: Ethnicity, Class, and Social Change, Rosalinda Mendez Gonzalez3. Where I Come From Is Like This, Paula Gunn AllenBOXED INSERT: Ain't I a Woman? Sojourner Truth 4. The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House, Audre Lorde*5. Teaching About Being an Oppressor: Some Personal and Political Considerations, Steven P. Schacht Section Two: Theoretical Perspectives6. "Night To His Day": The Social Construction of Gender, Judith LorberBOXED INSERT: Portrait of a Man, Loren Cameron7. The Medical Construction of Gender, Suzanne Kessler *8. Some Group Matters: Intersectionality, Situated Standpoints, and Black Feminist Thought, Patricia Hill CollinsBOXED INSERT: Womanist, Alice Walker PART TWO: GENDER, CULTURE, AND SOCIALIZATIONSection Three: Representation, Language, and Culture9. Gender Stereotyping in the English Language, Laurel Richardson*BOXED INSERT: Why I'm Not a Lady (And No Woman Is), Sherryl Kleinman*10. Cosmetic Surgery: Paying for Your Beauty, Debra L. Gimlin*BOXED INSERT: Myth of the Perfect Body, Roberta Galler *11. Hair Still Matters, Ingrid Banks12. Selling Hot Pussy, bell hooks13. Ideological Racism and Cultural Resistance, Yen Le Espiritu Section Four: Socialization14. "The Means to Put My Children Through": Child-Rearing Goals and Strategies Among Black Female Domestic Servants, Bonnie Thornton Dill 15. Girls and Boys Together1...But Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary Schools, Barrie Thorne *16. What Are Little Boys Made Of? Michael Kimmel *BOXED INSERT: Inherit the War, Grace Paley17. Ideology, Experience, Identity: The Complex Worlds of Children in Fair Families, Barbara Risman PART THREE: SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF GENDERSection Five: Work18. The Wage Conceived, Alice Kessler-Harris *19. Sex Segregation in the U.S. Labor Force, Christine E. Bose and Rachel Bridges Whaley*20. Moving Up and Taking Charge, Barbara Reskin and Irene Padovic BOXED INSERT: The Realities of Affirmative Action in Employment (excerpt), Barbara Reskin*21. Maid in L.A., Pierrette Honagneu-Sotelo Section Six: Families*22. Working to Place Family at the Center of Life: Dual-Earner and Single-Parent Strategies, Rosanna HertzBOXED INSERT: The Mommy Test, Barbara Ehrenreich 23. Working at Motherhood: Chicana and Mexicana Immigrant Mothers and Employment, Denise A. Segura24. *For Better or Worse: Gender Allures in the Vietnamese Global Marriage Market, Hung Cam Thai*25. Wedding Bells and Baby Carriages: Heterosexuals Imagine Gay Families, Gay Families Imagine Themselves, Suzanna Danuta Walters*BOXED INSERT: A Member of the Funeral, Nancy Naples Section Seven: Sexuality*26. Finding the Lesbians in Lesbian History, Leila J. Rupp*27. In Hiding and On Display, Susan Bordo28. Doing Desire: Adolescent Girls' Struggles for/with Sexuality, Deborah L. Tolman BOXED INSERT: Sex Ed: How Do We Score? Carolyn Mackler *29. Becoming 100% Straight, Michael A. Messner Section Eight: Bodies*30. Hormanal Hurricanes: Menstruation, Menopause, and Female Behavior, Anne Fausto-SterlingBOXED INSERT: If Men Could Menstruate, Gloria Steinem*BOXED INSERT: I'm Taking Back My Pussy: A Transgression of Privatized Gynecological Boundaries, Claire T. Porter31. "A Way Outa No Way": Eating Problems among African-American, Latina, and White Women, Becky Wangsgaard Thompson*32. Reproductive Laws, Women of Color, and Low Income Women, Laurie Nsiah-JeffersonBOXED INSERT: Assessing Older Lesbians' Health Needs, Sharon Deevey *33. The Muslim Female Heroic: Shorts or Veils, Jennifer Hargreaves Section Nine: Violence Against Women34. Fraternities and Rape on Campus, Patricia Yancey Martin and Robert A. HummerBOXED INSERT: Men Changing Men, Robert L. Allen and Paul Kivel35. Supremacy Crimes, Gloria Steinem *36. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color, Kimberle Crenshaw37. Accountability or Justice? Rape as a War Crime, Mary Ann Tetreault PART FOUR: SOCIAL CHANGESection Ten: Global Politics and the State38. Surviving the Welfare System: How AFDC Recipients Make Ends Meet in Chicago, Kathryn Edin*39. The Truth About Women and Power, Harriet Woods*BOXED INSERT: Iraq's Little Secret, Nicholas D. Kristoff40. The Globe Trotting Sneaker, Cynthia Enloe*41. Hindu Women's Activism in India and the Questions It Raises, Amrita BasuBOXED INSERT: Globalization of Beauty Makes Slimness Trendy, Norimitsu Onishi Section Eleven: Social Protest and the Feminist Movement*42. The Gendered Organization of Hate: Women in the U.S. Ku Klux Klan, Kathleen M. Blee*43. What Promises Can Men Keep?: How Men Renegotiate Gender and Racial Ideologies in the Promise Keepers Movement, Melanie Heath44. Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens: the Radical Potential of Queer Politics? Cathy J. Cohen45. The Next Feminist Generation: Imagine My Surprise, Ellen Neuborne46. The Women's Movement: Persistence through Transformation, Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier, and Cynthia Fabrizio PelakBOXED INSERT: Linking Arms and Movements, Urvashi Vaid Vaid*Indicates New Reading or Boxed Insert

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