Wages and equitable growth
Wages and equitable growth
(Global wage report / International Labour Office, 2012/13)
International Labour Office, 2013
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Bibliography: p. [101]-110
"I read the Global Wage Report with much interest - and with much admiration. It is not easy to put together a report of this kind, and the ILO seems to have got it absolutely right." (Adrian Wood, Professor of International Development, University of Oxford). Wages are a major component of decent work, yet serious knowledge gaps remain in this increasingly important area. This report, published biennially, is divided into two parts. Part I provides information on regional and global trends in the areas of wage statistics and wage policies. This is illustrated and enriched with country - specific examples and noteworthy policy initiatives. Part II offers deeper yet accessible insights into a single wage-related issue, for instance minimum wage fixing, collective bargaining, or the macroeconomic dimensions of wages. The report also contains a rich statistical appendix that can be accessed through the ILO website, which researchers can use in their own analyses.
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