The core iOS 6 developer's cookbook


The core iOS 6 developer's cookbook

Erica Sadun

(Developer's library)

Addison-Wesley, [2012]

4th ed


Companion to the advanced iOS 6 developer's cookbook

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Pub. year based on preface



The Core iOS 6 Developer's Cookbook brings together reliable, proven solutions for the heart of day-to-day iOS 6 development. World-renowned iOS programming expert Erica Sadun covers all the classes you'll need to create successful iOS 6 mobile apps with standard APIs and interface elements and take full advantage of iOS 6 graphics, touches, and views. As in her previous bestselling iOS books, Sadun translates today's development best practices into working code, distilling key concepts into concise recipes that are easy to understand and transfer into your own projects. This isn't just cut-and-paste; using her examples, Sadun fully explains both the "how" and "why" of effective iOS 6 development. All code has been fully revised and extensively tested to reflect the latest iOS 6 features and the newest iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch capabilities. Throughout, every chapter groups related tasks together, so you can jump straight to your solution, without having to identify the right class or framework first. Coverage includes Supporting direct user input through multitouch and gestures, including custom gesture recognizers Building, customizing, and using iOS 6 controls Alerting users via popup dialogs, progress bars, local notifications, popovers, audio pings, and other techniques Assembling views and animation, organizing view hierarchies, and understanding how views work together Using iOS 6's breakthrough autolayout constraints system to simplify support for multiple screen geometries controlling keyboards, making onscreen elements "text aware," and efficiently scanning and formatting text Using view controllers to organize your users' workspaces Managing photos, videos, email, text messages, and iOS 6-enhanced social media updates Implementing VoiceOver accessibility to reach even more users Organizing apps simply and intuitively with tables and adding flexibility with iOS 6's brand new collection views Getting started with Core Data managed data stores Leveraging iOS 6's powerful networking and web services support


Preface xxii 1 Gestures and Touches 1 Touches 1 Phases 2 Touches and Responder Methods 3 Touching Views 4 Multi-Touch 4 Gesture Recognizers 5 Recipe: Adding a Simple Direct Manipulation Interface 5 Recipe: Adding Pan Gesture Recognizers 7 Recipe: Using Multiple Gesture Recognizers Simultaneously 9 Resolving Gesture Conflicts 12 Recipe: Constraining Movement 13 Recipe: Testing Touches 15 Recipe: Testing Against a Bitmap 17 Recipe: Drawing Touches Onscreen 19 Recipe: Smoothing Drawings 21 Recipe: Using Multi-Touch Interaction 24 Recipe: Detecting Circles 28 Recipe: Creating a Custom Gesture Recognizer 33 Recipe: Dragging from a Scroll View 35 Recipe: Live Touch Feedback 39 Enabling Touch Feedback 39 Intercepting and Forwarding Touch Events 40 Implementing the TOUCHkit Overlay View 41 Recipe: Adding Menus to Views 44 Summary 46 2 Building and Using Controls 49 The UIControl Class 49 Target-Action 50 Kinds of Controls 50 Control Events 51 Buttons 53 Buttons in Interface Builder 54 Connecting Buttons to Actions 55 Recipe: Building Buttons 55 Multiline Button Text 58 Adding Animated Elements to Buttons 58 Adding Extra State to Buttons 59 Recipe: Animating Button Responses 59 Recipe: Adding a Slider with a Custom Thumb 61 Customizing UISlider 62 Adding Efficiency 63 Appearance Proxies 66 Recipe: Creating a Twice-Tappable Segmented Control 69 Second-Tap Feedback 70 Controls and Attributes 70 Working with Switches and Steppers 72 Recipe: Subclassing UIControl 73 Creating Controls 74 Tracking Touches 74 Dispatching Events 74 Recipe: Building a Star Slider 77 Recipe: Building a Touch Wheel 80 Recipe: Creating a Pull Control 83 Discoverability 83 Testing Touches 85 Recipe: Building a Custom Lock Control 87 Adding a Page Indicator Control 90 Recipe: Creating a Customizable Paged Scroller 93 Building Toolbars 98 Summary 100 3 Alerting the User 101 Talking Directly to Your User Through Alerts 101 Building Simple Alerts 102 Alert Delegates 103 Displaying the Alert 104 Kinds of Alerts 104 "Please Wait": Showing Progress to Your User 105 Using UIActivityIndicatorView 106 Using UIProgressView 107 Recipe: No-Button Alerts 107 Building a Floating Progress Monitor 109 Recipe: Creating Modal Alerts with Run Loops 110 Recipe: Using Variadic Arguments with Alert Views 113 Presenting Lists of Options 114 Scrolling Menus 117 Displaying Text in Action Sheets 117 Recipe: Building Custom Overlays 117 Tappable Overlays 119 Recipe: Basic Popovers 119 Recipe: Local Notifications 121 Best Practices 122 Alert Indicators 123 Badging Applications 124 Recipe: Simple Audio Alerts 124 System Sounds 124 Vibration 125 Alerts 126 Delays 126 Disposing of System Sounds 126 Summary 128 4 Assembling Views and Animations 129 View Hierarchies 129 Recipe: Recovering a View Hierarchy Tree 131 Exploring XIB and Storyboard Views 132 Recipe: Querying Subviews 133 Managing Subviews 134 Adding Subviews 134 Reordering and Removing Subviews 135 View Callbacks 135 Tagging and Retrieving Views 136 Using Tags to Find Views 136 Recipe: Naming Views by Object Association 137 Naming Views in Interface Builder 137 View Geometry 139 Frames 140 Rectangle Utility Functions 140 Points and Sizes 141 Transforms 142 Coordinate Systems 142 Recipe: Working with View Frames 143 Adjusting Sizes 144 CGRects and Centers 146 Other Geometric Elements 147 Recipe: Retrieving Transform Information 151 Retrieving Transform Properties 151 Testing for View Intersection 152 Display and Interaction Traits 157 UIView Animations 158 Building Animations with Blocks 159 Recipe: Fading a View In and Out 159 Recipe: Swapping Views 161 Recipe: Flipping Views 162 Recipe: Using Core Animation Transitions 163 Recipe: Bouncing Views as They Appear 165 Recipe: Image View Animations 166 Summary 167 5 View Constraints 169 What Are Constraints? 169 Alignment Rectangles 170 Declaring Alignment Rectangles 171 Constraint Attributes 171 Constraint Math 172 The Laws of Constraints 173 Creating Constraints 175 Basic Constraint Declarations 175 Visual Format Constraints 176 Variable Bindings 177 Format Strings 177 Orientation 177 View Names 179 Connections 179 Predicates 183 Metrics 183 View-to-View Predicates 184 Priorities 184 Format String Summary 184 Storing and Updating Constraints 186 Recipe: Comparing Constraints 187 Recipe: Describing Constraints 189 Recipe: Creating Fixed-Size Constrained Views 192 Disabling Autosizing Constraints 192 Starting within View Bounds 193 Constraining Size 193 Recipe: Centering Views 196 Recipe: Setting Aspect Ratio 197 Aligning Views and Flexible Sizing 199 Why You Cannot Distribute Views 199 Recipe: Responding to Orientation Changes 200 Constraint Macros 202 Consistent Constraints 202 Sufficient Constraints 203 Macros 203 Debugging Your Constraints 205 Summary 207 6 Text Entry 209 Recipe: Dismissing a UITextField Keyboard 209 Preventing Keyboard Dismissal 210 Text Trait Properties 211 Other Text Field Properties 212 Recipe: Dismissing Text Views with Custom Accessory Views 213 Recipe: Adjusting Views Around Keyboards 216 Recipe: Adjusting Views Around Accessory Views 220 Testing for Hardware Keyboards 221 Recipe: Creating a Custom Input View 223 Recipe: Making Text-Input-Aware Views 227 Recipe: Adding Custom Input Views to Nontext Views 230 Adding Input Clicks 231 Recipe: Building a Better Text Editor (Part I) 233 Recipe: Building a Better Text Editor (Part II) 236 Enabling Attributed Text 236 Controlling Attributes 236 Other Responder Functionality 237 Recipe: Text-Entry Filtering 239 Recipe: Detecting Text Patterns 242 Rolling Your Own Expressions 242 Enumerating Regular Expressions 243 Data Detectors 243 Using Built-In Type Detectors 244 Useful Websites 244 Recipe: Detecting Misspelling in a UITextView 246 Searching for Text Strings 247 Summary 248 7 Working with View Controllers 249 View Controllers 249 The UIViewController Class 250 Navigation Controllers 250 Tab Bar Controllers 251 Split View Controllers 251 Page View Controller 251 Popover Controllers 251 Developing with Navigation Controllers and Split Views 252 Using Navigation Controllers and Stacks 253 Pushing and Popping View Controllers 254 Bar Buttons 254 Recipe: The Navigation Item Class 255 Titles and Back Buttons 255 Macros 256 Recipe: Modal Presentation 257 Presenting a Custom Modal Information View 258 Recipe: Building Split View Controllers 261 Recipe: Creating Universal Split View/Navigation Apps 266 Recipe: Tab Bars 268 Remembering Tab State 272 Recipe: Page View Controllers 275 Book Properties 276 Wrapping the Implemen tation 277 Exploring the Recipe 279 Building a Presentation Index 279 Recipe: Scrubbing Pages in a Page View Controller 285 Recipe: Custom Containers 286 Adding and Removing a Child View Controller 287 Transitioning Between View Controllers 288 Recipe: Segues 292 Segues, Interface Builder, and iOS 6 297 Summary 298 8 Common Controllers 299 Image Picker Controller 299 Image Sources 299 Presenting the Picker on iPhone and iPad 300 Recipe: Selecting Images 300 How To: Adding Photos to the Simulator 301 The Assets Library Framework 301 Presenting a Picker 302 Handling Delegate Callbacks 303 Recipe: Snapping Photos 306 Setting Up the Picker 307 Displaying Images 308 Saving Images to the Photo Album 309 Recipe: Recording Video 310 Creating the Video Recording Picker 311 Saving the Video 311 Recipe: Playing Video with Media Player 313 Recipe: Editing Video 316 AV Foundation and Core Media 316 Recipe: Picking and Editing Video 318 Recipe: E-Mailing Pictures 321 Creating Message Contents 321 Recipe: Sending a Text Message 323 Recipe: Posting Social Updates 325 Recipe: Activity View Controller 328 Creating and Presenting the Controller 328 Adding Services 331 I tems and Services 335 Recipe: The Quick Look Preview Controller 336 Implementing Quick Look 337 Summary 340 9 Accessibility 341 Accessibility 101 341 Accessibility in Interface Builder 342 Enabling Accessibility 343 Traits 344 Labels 345 Hints 346 Testing with the Simulator 347 Broadcasting Updates 348 Testing Accessibility on the iPhone 349 Summary 351 10 Creating and Managing Table Views 353 iOS Tables 353 Delegation 354 Creating Tables 355 Table Styles 355 Laying Out the View 355 Assigning a Data Source 356 Serving Cells 356 Registering Cell Classes 356 Dequeueing Cells 357 Assigning a Delegate 357 Recipe: Implementing a Basic Table 358 Data Source Methods 359 Responding to User Touches 359 Table View Cells 361 Selection Color 362 Adding in Custom Selection Traits 363 Recipe: Creating Checked Table Cells 363 Working with Disclosure Accessories 365 Recipe: Table Edits 367 Adding Undo Support 368 Supporting Undo 369 Displaying Remove Controls 369 Handling Delete Requests 369 Swiping Cells 370 Reordering Cells 370 Adding Cells 370 Recipe: Working with Sections 375 Building Sections 375 Counting Sections and Rows 376 Returning Cells 377 Creating Header Titles 378 Customizing Headers and Footers 379 Creating a Section Index 379 Handling Section Mismatches 380 Delegation with Sections 380 Recipe: Searching Through a Table 382 Creating a Search Display Controller 383 Registering Cells for the Search Display Controller 384 Building the Searchable Data Source Methods 384 Delegate Methods 385 Using a Search-Aware Index 386 Recipe: Adding Pull-to-Refresh to Your Table 388 Recipe: Adding Action Rows 391 Coding a Custom Group Table 394 Creating Grouped Preferences Tables 395 Recipe: Building a Multiwheel Table 396 Creating the UIPickerView 397 Data Source and Delegate Methods 397 Using Views with Pickers 397 Using the UIDatePicker 399 Creating the Date Picker 400 Summary 401 11 Collection Views 403 Collection Views Versus Tables 403 Practical Implementation Differences 405 Establishing Collection Views 405 Controllers 405 Views 406 Data Sources and Delegates 406 Flow Layouts 407 Scroll Direction 407 Item Size and Line Spacing 407 Header and Footer Sizing 409 Insets 410 Recipe: Basic Collection View Flows 411 Recipe: Custom Cells 415 Recipe: Scrolling Horizontal Lists 416 Recipe: Introducing Interactive Layout Effects 420 Recipe: Scroll Snapping 422 Recipe: Creating a Circle Layout 423 Creation and Deletion Animation 424 Powering the Circle Layout 424 The Layout 425 Recipe: Adding Gestures to Layout 429 Recipe: Creating a True Grid Layout 431 Recipe: Custom Item Menus 437 Summary 439 12 A Taste of Core Data 441 Introducing Core Data 441 Entities and Models 442 Building a Model File 442 Attributes and Relationships 443 Building Object Classes 444 Creating Contexts 444 Adding Data 445 Examining the Data File 446 Querying the Database 448 Setting Up the Fetch Request 449 Performing the Fetch 449 Removing Objects 450 Recipe: Using Core Data for a Table Data Source 451 Index Path Access 451 Section Key Path 451 Section Groups 452 Index Titles 452 Table Readiness 452 Recipe: Search Tables and Core Data 455 Recipe: Adding Edits to Core Data Table Views 457 Adding Undo/Redo Support 458 Creating Undo Transactions 459 Rethinking Edits 459 Recipe: A Core Data-Powered Collection View 464 Summary 469 13 Networking Basics 471 Recipe: Checking Your Network Status 471 Scanning for Connectivity Changes 474 Recipe: Synchronous Downloads 476 Recipe: Asynchronous Downloads 480 One-Call No-Feedback Asynchronous Downloads 486 Recipe: Using JSON Serialization 487 Recipe: Converting XML into Trees 489 Trees 489 Building a Parse Tree 490 Summary 492 Appendix Objective-C Literals 495 Numbers 495 Boxing 496 Enums 496 Container Literals 497 Subscripting 498 Feature Tests 499 Index 501

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