The story-makers : a selection of modern short stories


The story-makers : a selection of modern short stories

edited and with an introduction by Rudy Wiebe

Gage Educational Pub. Co., c1987

2nd ed

  • The molesters / Joyce Carol Oates
  • A very old man with enormous wings : a tale for children / Gabriel García Márquez ; translated by Gregory Rabassa
  • The conversion of the Jews / Philip Roth
  • The wind blows / Katherine Mansfield
  • A North American education / Clark Blaise
  • Thanks for the ride / Alice Munro
  • Falling in love / Sandra Birdsell
  • The horse dealer's daughter / D.H. Lawrence
  • The sin of Jesus / Isaac Babel ; translated by Andrew R. MacAndrew
  • Your lover just called / John Updike
  • The chorus girl / Anton Chekhov ; translated by Constance Garnett
  • A field of wheat / Sinclair Ross
  • Seeing is believing / Rudy Wiebe
  • That evening sun / William Faulkner
  • Counterparts / James Joyce
  • The Plague children / Jack Hodgins
  • Waiting for the rodeo / Aritha van Herk
  • Be fruitful and multiply / Madeleine Ferron ; translated by Sheila Watson
  • If one green bottle-- / Audrey G. Thomas
  • You could look it up / James Thurber
  • After the storm / Ernest Hemingway
  • The guest / Albert Camus ; translated by Justin O'Brien
  • The post card / Heinrich Böll ; translated by Leila Vennewitz
  • The children's campaign / Pär Lagerkvist ; translated by Alain Blair
  • The secret room : to Gustave Moreau / Alain Robbe-Grillet ; translated by Barbara Wright
  • The second death / Graham Greene
  • When it happens / Margaret Atwood
  • A country doctor / Franz Kafka ; translated by Willa and Edwin Muir
  • Gimpel the fool / Isaac Bashevis Singer ; translated by Saul Bellow
  • Revelation / Flannery O'Conner