
Legal ethics

by Deborah L. Rhode, David Luban, Scott L. Cummings

(University casebook series)

Foundation Press, 2013

6th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references and index



This casebook combines real-life problems, doctrinal and statutory analysis, and carefully edited readings from a wide range of disciplines. Many of the chapters can be used as independent units for courses focusing on ethical problems in corporate practice, tax practice, family law, and public interest law. The sixth edition also includes extensive revisions, deletions, and updating to reflect: Changes in the Model Rules adopted by the American Bar Association or recommended by the Ethics 20/20 Commission Additional Rules reprinted in the text with accompanying commentary Recent cases and new commentary involving conflicts of interest, advocacy, discovery, prosecutorial misconduct, effective assistance of counsel, advertising, admission, and discipline New research on access to justice, discipline, legal education, non-lawyer ownership of law firms, and global trends in regulation of the profession Technological developments that affect regulatory issues, such as Internet advertising, nonlawyer services, inadvertent disclosures An extensively revised and comprehensive teacher's manual accompanies the new edition. It includes powerpoint class presentations and suggestions of video clips from film and television keyed to key topics in the casebook.

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