Black sportsmen
Bibliographic Information
Black sportsmen
(Routledge revivals)
Routledge, [2013?]
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Reprint. Originally published: London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982
Includes bibliographical references (p. [213]-220) and index
Description and Table of Contents
First published in 1982, Black Sportsmen examines the effect that race has had on sportspeople. The book is based on interviews with a wide range of sportspeople from Olympic athletes to schoolchildren and novices. Written at a time when many black youths were turning to, and succeeding in sports such as athletics, boxing, football, karate and table tennis, this book focuses on the various ways in which black sports competitors reacted to their blackness.
Table of Contents
- Forward by Gareth Crooks
- Acknowledgements
- 1. Introduction to sources 2. Enter the black sportsman in history 3. That black magic of nature 4. The prospect of blackness for kids 5. All or nothing from families 6. Expected to fail by teachers 7. Making it in and out of sport 8. Changing priorities from work 9. Moments of revelation about identities 10. Twice as hard for blacks 11. The black sporting life without future 12. Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Index
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