
Catalogue of the collection of instruments of the Institute for the History of Arabic and Islamic Sciences

by Fuat Sezgin ; in collaboration with Eckhard Neubauer ; translated by Renate Sarma and Sreeramula Rajeswara Sarma

(Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science / edited by Fuat Sezgin, . Science and technology in Islam)

Institut für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, 2011

  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Contents: V. 2: 1. Astronomy -- v. 3: 2. Geography, 3. Navigation, 4. Clocks, 5. Geometry, 6. Optics -- v. 4: 7. Medicine, 8. Chemistry, 9. Mineralogy v. 5: 10. Physics and technology, 11. Architecture, 12. Military technology, 13. Ancient artefacts

Includes bibliographies and indexes

ISBN: 97838298009 (Science and technology in Islam, set)

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

