The British Pacific Fleet experience and legacy, 1944-50


The British Pacific Fleet experience and legacy, 1944-50

Jon Robb-Webb

(Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies series)

Ashgate, c2013

  • : hbk


Bibliography: p. [269]-282

Includes index



The British Pacific Fleet was formed in October 1944 and dispatched to fight alongside the USN in the Central Pacific under Admiral Nimitz. Deploying previously unpublished documents, this book reveals how relations between the UK and US forces developed from a starting point of barely repressed suspicion, to one where both navies came to understand each other and eventually find a remarkable bond. Born out of a shared experience of Kamikaze attacks, extended operations against bitterly hostile shores, the pooling of knowledge and experience, the two navies underpinned the diplomatic moves in both Washington and London. The book carries the legacy of this experience through to the next Anglo-American participation in war, Korea. It illustrates and explains how and why certain lessons were incorporated into the composition, behaviour and structure of the post-war Navy. It demonstrates the significance of what was learned from the USN by the RN and by USN from the RN. As well as examining the background to the largest fleet the Royal Navy ever put to sea, the book also charts its effects on Anglo-American relations, multinational operations, alliance building, and the ways naval forces are shaped by and in turn shape politics. It addresses a period of rapid technological development that witnessed profound changes in the international system, and which raised fundamental questions of what navies were for and how should they operate and organize themselves. In so doing the study illustrates how the experience of a few long months at the end of the war in the Pacific would cast a long shadow over these issues in the very different circumstances of the post-war world.


  • Introduction: Experience and Legacy - A Levels of Warfare Analysis
  • Part 1 The British Pacific Fleet Experience
  • Chapter 1 Chapter 1 No Sooner Offered: The BPF and the Grand Strategic Level of War
  • Chapter 2 The British are Coming by Sea: Anglo-American Military Strategic Planning
  • Chapter 3 The Tip of the Iceberg: New Operational-level Concepts
  • Chapter 4 Sweepers Man Your Brooms: The Tactical-level Experience
  • Part 2 The British Pacific Fleet Legacy
  • Chapter 5 An Uncertain New World: Britain, America and Post-war Defence
  • Chapter 6 An Alliance Sustained: The Royal Navy, US Navy and Military Strategy for the Cold War
  • Chapter 7 New Tricks for Old Sea Dogs: Operational Ideas After the War
  • Chapter 8 Making It All Work: The Post-war Royal Navy and the Tactical Level of War 1945-50
  • Conclusion: The British Pacific Fleet Experience and Legacy

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