Competency exam prep and review for nursing assistants
Competency exam prep and review for nursing assistants
Thomson Delmar Learning, c2007
4th ed
- : pbk
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Competency exam prep & review for nursing assistants
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Includes index
Are you ready for your Nursing Assistant certification exam? You will be poised to excel after using this valuable book. Based upon the latest OBRA standards for training, you will also be ready to tackle the real-world as a nursing assistant. No other resource provides you the variety of tools you will find here. Practice by reviewing over forty nursing procedures covered in the competency evaluation examination. Prepare with smart test-taking techniques. View numerous photographs illustrating core concepts. If you are on the path to becoming a nursing assistant, congratulations on finding the ideal review product.
Ch 1: The Role and Responsibilities of the Nursing Assistant Ch 2: Basic Human Needs Ch 3: Rights of the Resident Ch 4: Mental Health and Social Needs Ch 5: Communication Ch 6: Infection Control Ch 7: Safety and Emergency Measures Ch 8: The Residents Unit Ch 9: Body Alignment and Activity Needs Ch 10: Personal Care Needs Ch 11: Nutrition and Fluid Needs Ch 12: Elimination Needs Ch 13: Vital Signs, Height, and Weight App A: Anatomy Diagrams App B: Useful Information App C: Test-Taking Methods and Guidelines App D: Practice Exam App E: Procedure Review App F: Practice Exam Answer Sheets App G: Answer Keys to Chapter Review Quizzes and Crossword Puzzles
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