La réception de Duns Scot Die Rezeption des Duns Scotus Scotism through the centuries


La réception de Duns Scot = Die Rezeption des Duns Scotus = Scotism through the centuries

Mechthild Dreyer, Édouard Mehl, Matthias Vollet (Hrsg.)

(Archa verbi, Subsidia ; 6 . The Quadruple Congress, John Duns Scotus, 1308-2008 . Proceedings of "the Quadruple Congress" on John Duns Scotus ; pt. 4)

Aschendorff , Franciscan Institute Publications, c2013

  • : Aschendorff
  • : Franciscan Institute

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Proceedings of the fourth conference "La postérité de Duns Scot" known as the Quadruple Congress on John Duns Scotus, held Mar. 18-21, 2009, in Strasbourg

Includes bibliographical references and index

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

  • Archa verbi

    Franciscan Institute Publications , Aschendorff

