The life of the Prince Consort : Prince Albert and his times


The life of the Prince Consort : Prince Albert and his times

by Theodore Martin ; introduction by Karina Urbach

I.B. Tauris, 2012

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5


Originally published as: Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort. London : Smith, Elder , 1877-1879

Contents: v. 1. 1819-1848 -- v. 2. 1848-1853-4 -- v. 3. 1854-1856 -- v. 4. 1857-1859 -- v. 5. 1860-1861

Includes index



Prince Albert was one of the defining figures of the Victorian age and Sir Theodore Martin's biography remains the definitive account of his life. Detailed, comprehensive and authoritative, Martin's five volumes and 3000 pages chronicle not just the details of Albert's upbringing and later personal life but also his involvement in the political affairs of the country and his engagement with many of the key figures and events of the Victorian age - from Sir Robert Peel, Lord Palmerston and the Emperor Napoleon to the Indian Mutiny and the Crimean War. With an Introduction by a leading modern scholar, this outstanding biography of one of the key royal figures of the modern period also provides a unique inside view on many of the major events of the Victorian era.


  • Selected Contents VOLUME 1 1. 1819-36: Early years of Prince's life 2. 1820-39: Birth and education of Princess Victoria
  • First visit of Prince to England Accession of Princess Victoia
  • Project of Marriage between Prince and Queen Victoia 3. 1839: Estimate by Baron Stockmar of Prince's character
  • Prince's second visit to England
  • Betrothal of Queen and Prince 4. 1840: Announcement of Royal Marriage in England
  • How the announcement received in England
  • Discussions as to Prince's annuity
  • his status and rights of precedence
  • Marriage 5. 1840: contd Position of the Prince in his household
  • His rules of conduct
  • State of public affairs in England
  • Awkward relations with France on the Eastern question 6. 1840 contd: The Prince as musician and artist
  • His first public speech
  • Oxford shoots at Queen
  • Prince appointed Regent
  • The Eastern question
  • Birth of Crown Princess 7. 1841: Difficulties of Melbourne administration
  • Launch of the Trafalgar
  • Downfall of Melbourne administration
  • Peel ministry
  • Sir R. Peel's estimate of Prince
  • Fine Arts Commission
  • Birth of Prince of Wales 8. 1842: King of Prussia's arrival in England
  • Uneasy state of public affairs
  • Income tax
  • Disasters in India
  • Queen shot at by Francis
  • Next day Queen fired at by Bean
  • Disturbed state of country
  • Prince applies himself to study of politics
  • Necessity for reorganisation of Royal household 9. 1843: Reorganisation of Royal household
  • Development of Prince's character
  • Birth of Princess Alice
  • Efforts of Prince to supress duelling 10. 1843: Royal visit to the King of the French
  • Alarming state of Ireland 11. 1844: Death of Prince's father
  • Letters to the Queen
  • Arrival of King of Saxony and Emperor of Russia on visit to Queen
  • Opinions of Emperor on political questions 12. 1844 contd: Birth of Prince Alfred
  • Threatened disturbance of relations with France
  • Visit of Prince of Prussia 13. 1844-5: Osborne purchased and laid out by Prince
  • Peel's financial measures
  • Discussions as to title of King Consort
  • Peel declines offer of the Garter 14. 1845 contd: Queen's visit to Germany
  • Second visit to Chateau d'Eu 15. 1845-6: Troubled state of affairs in England
  • Sir R. Peel resigns
  • Russell fails in forming an administration
  • Landscape gardening
  • Defeat of ministry on Irish Coercion Bill 16. 1846 contd: Settlement of Oregon question
  • Birth of Proncess Helena
  • Disatress in Ireland
  • New house at Osborne 17. 1846 contd: The Spanish marriage 18. 1846-7: Alarming political symptons in Europe
  • Ripening of the character of Prince
  • Installation of Prince as Chancellor of Cambridge University 19. 1847: Revolutionary symptons throughout Europe
  • Great distress in Ireland
  • Character of King of Prussia by Prince
  • English intervention in affairs of Portugal
  • Royal voyage to Scotland 20. 1847 contd: Prince's birthday
  • State of Italy
  • Memorandum by Prince on the subject
  • Letter by him to Lord John Russell 21. 1847 contd: Memorandum by Prince on state of affairs in Germany
  • Correspondence between Baron Stockmar and the Prince 22. 1847-8: Great commercial and financial distress in England and Scotland
  • Critical condition of France
  • Hampden contoversy
  • Insurrection in Sicily
  • Birth of Proncess Louise Appendix: Royal correspondence on the subject of the Spanish Marriages VOLUME II 23. 1848: Revolution in Milan
  • Revolutions in Naples, Vienna, Berlin
  • Movement for Unification of Germany 24. 1848 contd: Belgium unshaken
  • Chartist disturbances in London 25. State of Ireland
  • Chartist riots in England
  • Cheerfulness of Prince
  • His sympathy with working classes 26. 1848 contd: Prince takes great interest in movement for Unification of Germany
  • Separate plans by Prince and Baron Stockmar for regeneration of Germany 27. 1848 co

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