Reappraising J.A. Hobson : humanism and welfare


Reappraising J.A. Hobson : humanism and welfare

edited by Michael Freeden

(Routledge revivals)

Routledge, 2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Reprint. Originally published: London : Unwin Hyman , 1990

Includes bibliographical references and index



J. A. Hobson was one of the most influential social, economic and political theorists of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Britain. In this volume, first published in 1990, eight scholars reassess the importance and relevance of his work today and affirm him as a major British thinker. These original studies place Hobson in context by explaining his intellectual antecedents: Cobden, Ruskin, nineteenth-century social and psychological theories and economic thought. The book provides an overview of the novelty and incisiveness of Hobson's contribution to British liberal theory and radical practice. Historians, economists, social and political theorists and students of international affairs will find this an important book for a fuller understanding of early twentieth-century British progressive thought.


1. Introduction 2. Hobson, Ruskin and Cobden 3. Variations on a Famous Theme: Hobson, International Trade and Imperialism, 1902-1938 4. Hobson's evolving Conceptions of Human Nature 5. The Conservative Aspect of Hobson's New Liberalism 6. Hobson and Keynes as Economic Heretics 7. J. A. Hobson as a Macroeconomic Theorist 8. Rewriting the Confessions: Hobson and the Extention Movement 9. Hobson and Internationalism

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