Psychology : core concepts


Psychology : core concepts

Philip G. Zimbardo, Robert L. Johnson, Vivian McCann

Pearson, c2012

7th ed


Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Where great science meets great teaching. At just fourteen chapters, Psychology: Core Concepts provides rich coverage of the foundational topics taught in most introductory courses. Psychology: Core Concepts focuses on a manageable number of core concepts (usually three to five) in each chapter, allowing students to attain a deeper level of understanding of the material. Learning is reinforced through focused application and critical thinking activities, and connections between concepts are drawn across chapters to help students see the big picture of psychology as a whole. The 7th edition features an enhanced critical thinking emphasis, with new chapter-opening "Problems" and new end-of-chapter critical thinking applications that promote active learning. Teaching & Learning Experience Improve Critical Thinking - Pedagogical features are designed to help students learn the problem-solving skills and critical thinking techniques of a good psychologist. Explore Research - Current research reflects the most up-to-date psychological theories and applications. Understand Culture and Diversity - Cross-cultural, multicultural, and gender research is woven throughout the text to reflect the increasing diversity and global reach of psychology. Support Instructors - An Instructor's Manual, Test Bank (both print and computerized), Interactive PowerPoints, Telecourse Videos, and a Telecourse Study Guide provide instructors with the ultimate supplements package. Note: MyPsychLab does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase MyPsychLab, please visit: or you can purchase a valuepack of the text + MyPsychLab (at no additional cost). VP: 0205255000 / 9780205255009 Facebook Page:


IN THIS SECTION: 1.) BRIEF 2.) COMPREHENSIVE BRIEF TABLE OF CONTENTS: Chapter 1: Mind, Behavior, and Psychological Science Chapter 2: Biopsychology, Neuroscience, and Human Nature Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception Chapter 4: Learning and Human Nature Chapter 5: Memory Chapter 6: Thinking and Human Intelligence Chapter 7: Development over the Lifespan Chapter 8: States of Consciousness Chapter 9: Motivation and Emotion Chapter 10: Personality: Theories of the Whole Person Chapter 11: Social Psychology Chapter 12: Psychological Disorders Chapter 13: Therapies for Psychological Disorders Chapter 14: Stress, Health, and Well-Being COMPREHENSIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS: Chapter 1: Mind, Behavior, and Psychological Science 1.1 What Is Psychology - And What Is It Not? Psychology: It's More than You Think Psychology Is Not Psychiatry Thinking Critically about Psychology and Pseudopsychology Psychology Matters: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 1.3 What Are Psychology's Six Main Perspectives? Separation of Mind and Body and the Modern Biological Perspective The Founding of Scientific Psychology and the Modern Cognitive Perspective The Behavioral Perspective: Focusing on Observable Behavior The Whole-Person Perspectives: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Trait and Temperament The Developmental Perspective: Changes Arising from Nature and Nurture The Sociocultural Perspective: The Individual in Context The Changing Face of Psychology PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Psychology as a Major 1.2 How Do Psychologists Develop New Knowledge? Four Steps in the Scientific Method Five Types of Psychological Research Controlling Biases in Psychological Research Ethical Issues in Psychological Research PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The Perils of Pseudopsychology Critical Thinking Applied: Facilitated Communication Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 2: Biopsychology, Neuroscience, and Human Nature 2.1 How Are Genes and Behavior Linked? Evolution and Natural Selection Genetics and Inheritance PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Choosing Your Children's Genes 2.2 How Does the Body Communicate Internally? The Neuron: Building Block of the Nervous System The Nervous System The Endocrine System PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: How Psychoactive Drugs Affect the Nervous System 2.3 How Does the Brain Produce Behavior and Mental Processes? Windows on the Brain Three Layers of the Brain Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex Cerebral Dominance PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology Critical Thinking Applied: Left Brain vs. Right Brain Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 4: Learning and Human Nurture 4.1 What Sort of Learning Does Classical Conditioning Explain? The Essentials of Classical Conditioning Applications of Classical Conditioning PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Taste Aversions and Chemotherapy 4.2 How Do We Learn New Behaviors by Operant Conditioning? Skinner's Radical Behaviorism The Power of Reinforcement The Problem of Punishment A Checklist for Modifying Operant Behavior Operant and Classical Conditioning Compared PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 4.3 How Does Cognitive Psychology Explain Learning? Insight Learning: Koehler in the Canaries with the Chimps Cognitive Maps: Tolman Finds out What's on a Rat's Mind Observational Learning: Bandura's Challenge to Behaviorism Rethinking Behavioral Learning in Cognitive Terms Brain Mechanisms and Learning "Higher" Cognitive Learning PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Fear of Flying Revisited Critical Thinking Applied: Do Different People Have Different "Learning Styles"? Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 5: Memory 5.1 What Is Memory? Metaphors for Memory Memory's Three Basic Tasks PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Would You Want a "Photographic" Memory? 5.2 How Do We Form Memories? The First Stage: Sensory Memory The Second Stage: Working Memory The Third Stage: Long-Term Memory PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: "Flashbulb" Memories: Where Were You When...? 5.3 How Do We Retrieve Memories? Implicit and Explicit Memory Retrieval Cues Other Factors Affecting Retrieval PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: On the Tip of Your Tongue 5.4 Why Does Memory Sometimes Fail Us? Transience: Fading Memories Cause Forgetting Absent-Mindedness: Lapses of Attention Cause Forgetting Blocking: Access Problems Misattribution: Memories in the Wrong Context Suggestibility: External Cues Distort or Create Memories Bias: Beliefs, Attitudes, and Opinions Distort Memories Persistence: When We Can't Forget The Advantages of the "Seven Sins" of Memory Improving Your Memory with Mnemonics PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology Critical Thinking Applied: The Recovered Memory Controversy Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 6: Thinking and Intelligence 6.1 What Are the Components of Thought? Concepts Imagery and Cognitive Maps Thought and the Brain PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Schemas and Scripts Help You Know What to Expect 6.2 What Abilities Do Good Thinkers Possess? Problem Solving Judging and Making Decisions On Becoming a Creative Genius PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 6.3 How Is Intelligence Measured? Binet and Simon Invent a School Abilities Test American Psychologists Borrow Binet and Simon's Idea Problems with the IQ Formula Calculating IQs "on the Curve" IQ Testing Today PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: What Can You Do for an Exceptional Child? 6.4 Is Intelligence One or Many Abilities? Psychometric Theories of Intelligence Cognitive Theories of Intelligence Cultural Definitions of Intelligence Animals Can Be Intelligent-But Do They Think? PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Test Scores and the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy 6.5 How Do Psychologists Explain IQ Differences Among Groups? Intelligence and the Politics of Immigration What Evidence Shows That Intelligence Is Influenced by Heredity? What Evidence Shows That Intelligence is Influenced by Environment? Heritability (Not Heredity) and Group Differences PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Stereotype Threat Critical Thinking Applied: The Question of Gender Differences Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 7: Development Over the Lifespan 7.1 What Innate Abilities Does the Infant Possess? Prenatal Development The Neonatal Period: Abilities of the Newborn Child Infancy: Building on the Neonatal Blueprint PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Not Just Fun and Games: The Role of Child's Play in Life Success 7.2 What are the Developmental Tasks of Childhood? How Children Acquire Language Cognitive Development: Piaget's Theory Social and Emotional Development PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The Puzzle of ADHD 7.3 What Changes Mark the Transition of Adolescence? Adolescence and Culture Physical Maturation in Adolescence Adolescent Sexuality Neural and Cognitive Development in Adolescence Moral Development: Kohlberg's Theory Social and Emotional Issues in Adolescence PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 7.4 What Developmental Challenges Do Adults Face? Early Adulthood: Explorations, Autonomy, and Intimacy The Challenges of Midlife: Complexity and Generativity Late Adulthood: The Age of Integrity PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: A Look Back at the Jim Twins and Your Own Development Critical Thinking Applied: The Mozart Effect Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 8: States of Consciousness 8.1 How Is Consciousness Related to Other Mental Processes? Tools for Studying Consciousness Models of the Conscious and Nonconscious Minds What Does Consciousness Do for Us? Coma and Related States PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 8.2 What Cycles Occur in Everyday Consciousness? Daydreaming Sleep: The Mysterious Third of Our Lives Dreaming: The Pageants of the Night PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Sleep Disorders 8.3 What Other Forms Can Consciousness Take? Hypnosis Meditation Psychoactive Drug States PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Dependence and Addiction Critical Thinking Applied: The Unconscious-Reconsidered Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 9: Motivation and Emotion 9.1 What Motivates Us? Why People Work: McClelland's Theory The Unexpected Effects of Rewards on Motivation PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 9.2 How Are Our Motivational Priorities Determined? Instinct Theory Drive Theory Freud's Psychodynamic Theory Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Putting It All Together: A New Hierarchy of Needs PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Determining What Motivates Others 9.3 Where Do Hunger and Sex Fit into the Motivational Hierarchy? Hunger: A Homeostatic Drive and a Psychological Motive The Problem of Will Power and Chocolate Cookies Sexual Motivation: An Urge You Can Live Without PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The What and Why of Sexual Orientation 9.4 How Do Our Emotions Motivate Us? What Emotions Are Made Of What Emotions Do for Us Counting the Emotions Cultural Universals in Emotional Expression PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Gender Differences in Emotion Depend on Both Biology and Culture 9.5 What Processes Control Our Emotions? The Neuroscience of Emotion Arousal, Performance, and the Inverted U Theories of Emotion: Resolving Some Old Issues How Much Conscious Control Do We Have over Our Emotions? PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Detecting Deception Critical Thinking Applied: Do Lie Detectors Really Detect Lies? Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 10: Personality: Theories of the Whole Person 10.1 What Forces Shape Our Personalities? Biology, Human Nature, and Personality The Effects of Nurture: Personality and the Environment The Effects of Nature: Dispositions and Mental Processes Social and Cultural Contributions to Personality PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Explaining Unusual People and Unusual Behavior 10.2 What Persistent Patterns, or Dispositions, Make Up Our Personalities? Personality and Temperament Personality as a Composite of Traits PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Finding Your Type 10.3 What Mental Processes Help Shape Our Personalities? Psychodynamic Theories: Emphasis on Motivation and Mental Disorder Humanistic Theories: Emphasis on Human Potential and Mental Health Social-Cognitive Theories: Emphasis on Social Learning Current Trends: The Person in a Social System PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 10.4 What "Theories" Do People Use to Understand Themselves and Others? Implicit Personality Theories Self-Narratives: The Stories of Our Lives The Effects of Culture on Our Views of Personality PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The Personality of Time Critical Thinking Applied: The Person-Situation Controversy Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 11: Social Psychology 11.1 How Does the Social Situation Affect Our Behavior? Social Standards of Behavior Conformity Obedience to Authority Cross-Cultural Tests of Milgram's Research Some Real-World Extensions of the Milgram Obedience to Authority Paradigm The Bystander Problem: The Evil of Inaction Need Help? Ask for It! PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: On Being "Shoe" at Yale U 11.2 Constructing Social Reality: What Influences Our Judgments of Others? Interpersonal Attraction Loving Relationships Making Cognitive Attributions Prejudice and Discrimination PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Stereotype Lift and Values Affirmations 11.3 How Do Systems Create Situations that Influence Behavior? The Stanford Prison Experiment Chains of System Command Preventing Bullying by Systematic Changes and Reframing PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology Critical Thinking Applied: Is Terrorism "A Senseless Act of Violence, Perpetrated by Crazy Fanatics"? Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 12: Psychological Disorders 12.1 What Is Psychological Disorder? Changing Concepts of Psychological Disorder Indicators of Abnormality A Caution to Readers PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: The Plea of Insanity 12.2 How Are Psychological Disorders Classified in the DSM-IV? Overview of the DSM-IV Classification System Mood Disorders Anxiety Disorders Somatoform Disorders Dissociative Disorders Schizophrenia Developmental Disorders Personality Disorders Adjustment Disorders and Other Conditions: The Biggest Category of Them All Gender Differences in Mental Disorders PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Shyness 12.3 What Are the Consequences of Labeling People? Diagnostic Labels, Labeling, and Depersonalization The Cultural Context of Psychological Disorder PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology Critical Thinking Applied: Insane Places Revisited-Another Look at the Rosenhan Study Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 13: Therapies for Psychological Disorders 13.1 What Is Therapy? Entering Therapy The Therapeutic Alliance and the Goals of Therapy Therapy in Historical and Cultural Context PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Paraprofessionals Do Therapy, Too 13.2 How Do Psychologists Treat Psychological Disorders? Insight Therapies Behavior Therapies Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Synthesis Evaluating the Psychological Therapies PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Where Do Most People Get Help? 13.3 How Is the Biomedical Approach Used to Treat Psychological Disorders? Drug Therapy Other Medical Therapies for Psychological Disorders Hospitalization and the Alternatives PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: What Sort of Therapy Would You Recommend? 13.4 How Do the Psychological Therapies and Biomedical Therapies Compare? Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Psychological versus Medical Treatment Schizophrenia: Psychological versus Medical Treatment "The Worried Well" and Other Problems: Not Everyone Needs Drugs PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology Critical Thinking Applied: Evidence-Based Practice Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide Chapter 14: From Stress to Health, and Well-Being 14.1 What Causes Distress? Traumatic Stressors Chronic Stressors PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Student Stress 14.2 How Does Stress Affect Us Physically? Physiological Responses to Stress Stress and the Immune System PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Cognitive Appraisal of Ambiguous Threats 14.3 Who Is Most Vulnerable to Stress? Type A Personality and Hostility Locus of Control Hardiness Optimism Resilience PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Using Psychology to Learn Psychology 14.4 How Can We Transform Negative Stress into Positive Life Strategies? Psychological Coping Strategies Positive Lifestyle Choices: A "Two-for-One" Benefit to Your Health Putting It All Together: Developing Happiness and Subjective Well-Being PSYCHOLOGY MATTERS: Behavioral Medicine and Health Psychology Critical Thinking Applied: Is Change Really Hazardous to Your Health? Chapter Summary Discovering Psychology Viewing Guide

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  • ISBN
    • 9780205183463
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    xxv, 647, [68] p.
  • 大きさ
    28 cm
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