An act prohibiting the importing of any wines, wooll or silke from the Kingdome of France, into the Commonwealth of England or Ireland, or any the Dominions thereunto belonging
An act prohibiting the importing of any wines, wooll or silke from the Kingdome of France, into the Commonwealth of England or Ireland, or any the Dominions thereunto belonging
[s.n.], [1651?]
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Description based on imperfect copy: all preceding p. 44 including t.p. wanting
Caption title
An act prohibiting the importing of any wines,...: die Martis 28 Augusti 1649 -- An act for the redemption of captives: die Martis, 26 Martii, 1650 -- An act for setled convoys for securing the trade of this nation: die Jovis, 31 October, 1650 -- An act and declaration touching the importation of bullion: die Jovis, 9 Januarii, 1650 -- An act for laying an imposition upon coals towards the building ...: die Veneris, 28 Martii, 1651
"Ordered by the Parliament, that this act be forthwith printed and published"--At end
Signatures: D[8]
- An act of the Commons assembled in Parliament, establishing the present commissioners for the customes
- An act for the redemption of captives
- An act for setled convoys for securing the trade of this nation
- An act and declaration touching the importation of bullion
- An act to transmit into the chancery and exchequer certain orders and instructions of Parliament, concerning tonnage and poundage of goods and merchandizes, with book of rates of the same
- An act enabling the commissioners for the customs to give an oath
- An act for laying an imposition upon coals towards the building and maintaining ships for guarding the seas : die Veneris, 28 Martii, 1651