Law and religion : cases and materials


Law and religion : cases and materials

by Leslie C. Griffin

(University casebook series)

Foundation Press, c2013

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes index



The third edition continues the books interdisciplinary approach to law and religion, including background materials about the religions involved in the cases and readings about comparative religion. The new edition features important recent Supreme Court religion cases (Hosanna Tabor, Salazar v. Buono, and Christian Legal Society). Updated treatment of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) is included in Chapter 4. Chapter 9 includes a new section on the defamation of religion, asking whether prohibitions on defamation of religion violate human rights. The new edition also examines two recent developments in American religion: first, the continued growth in numbers of the Nones; (the religiously unaffiliated), and second, new concerns that anti-Muslim discrimination is increasing and that Muslims are not enjoying the full protection of the First Amendment. For more information and additional teaching materials, visit the companion site.

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