Three-particle physics and dispersion relation theory
Three-particle physics and dispersion relation theory
World Scientific, c2013
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全6件
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Other authors: V.V. Anisovich, M.A. Matveev, V.A. Nikonov, J. Nyiri, A.V. Sarantsev
Includes bibliographical references
The necessity of describing three-nucleon and three-quark systems have led to a constant interest in the problem of three particles. The question of including relativistic effects appeared together with the consideration of the decay amplitude in the framework of the dispersion technique. The relativistic dispersion description of amplitudes always takes into account processes connected with the investigated reaction by the unitarity condition or by virtual transitions; in the case of three-particle processes they are, as a rule, those where other many-particle states and resonances are produced. The description of these interconnected reactions and ways of handling them is the main subject of the book.
- Introduction
- Elements of Dispersion Relation Technique for Two-Body Scattering Reactions
- Spectral Integral Equation for the Decay of a Spinless Particle Into a Three-Body State
- Non-Relativistic Three-Body Amplitude
- Propagators of Spin Particles and Relativistic Spectral Integral Equations for Three-Hadron Systems
- D-Matrix Method and Partial Wave Analysis of the Meson - Nucleon and Photo - Production Data
- Reggeon-Exchange Technique for the Description of the Reactions of Two-Meson Diffractive Production. Analysis of Reactions Pi N
- Two Mesons + N
- Diquarks and Reduction of Baryon States
- Conclusions.
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