WebGL programming guide : interactive 3D graphics programming with WebGL


WebGL programming guide : interactive 3D graphics programming with WebGL

Kouichi Matsuda, Rodger Lea

Addison-Wesley, 2013


OpenGL series

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references (p. [485]) and index



Using WebGL (R), you can create sophisticated interactive 3D graphics inside web browsers, without plug-ins. WebGL makes it possible to build a new generation of 3D web games, user interfaces, and information visualization solutions that will run on any standard web browser, and on PCs, smartphones, tablets, game consoles, or other devices. WebGL Programming Guide will help you get started quickly with interactive WebGL 3D programming, even if you have no prior knowledge of HTML5, JavaScript, 3D graphics, mathematics, or OpenGL. You'll learn step-by-step, through realistic examples, building your skills as you move from simple to complex solutions for building visually appealing web pages and 3D applications with WebGL. Media, 3D graphics, and WebGL pioneers Dr. Kouichi Matsuda and Dr. Rodger Lea offer easy-to-understand tutorials on key aspects of WebGL, plus 100 downloadable sample programs, each demonstrating a specific WebGL topic. You'll move from basic techniques such as rendering, animating, and texturing triangles, all the way to advanced techniques such as fogging, shadowing, shader switching, and displaying 3D models generated by Blender or other authoring tools. This book won't just teach you WebGL best practices, it will give you a library of code to jumpstart your own projects. Coverage includes: * WebGL's origin, core concepts, features, advantages, and integration with other web standards * How and basic WebGL functions work together to deliver 3D graphics * Shader development with OpenGL ES Shading Language (GLSL ES) * 3D scene drawing: representing user views, controlling space volume, clipping, object creation, and perspective * Achieving greater realism through lighting and hierarchical objects * Advanced techniques: object manipulation, heads-up displays, alpha blending, shader switching, and more * Valuable reference appendixes covering key issues ranging from coordinate systems to matrices and shader loading to web browser settings This is the newest text in the OpenGL Technical Library, Addison-Wesley's definitive collection of programming guides an reference manuals for OpenGL and its related technologies. The Library enables programmers to gain a practical understanding of OpenGL and the other Khronos application-programming libraries including OpenGL ES and OpenCL. All of the technologies in the OpenGL Technical Library evolve under the auspices of the Khronos Group, the industry consortium guiding the evolution of modern, open-standards media APIs.


Preface xvii 1. Overview of WebGL 1 Advantages of WebGL 3 You Can Start Developing 3D Graphics Applications Using Only a Text Editor 3 Publishing Your 3D Graphics Applications Is Easy 4 You Can Leverage the Full Functionality of the Browser 5 Learning and Using WebGL Is Easy 5 Origins of WebGL 5 Structure of WebGL Applications 6 Summary 7 2. Your First Step with WebGL 9 What Is a Canvas? 9 Using the Tag 11 DrawRectangle.js 13 The World's Shortest WebGL Program: Clear Drawing Area 16 The HTML File (HelloCanvas.html) 17 JavaScript Program (HelloCanvas.js) 18 Experimenting with the Sample Program 23 Draw a Point (Version 1) 23 HelloPoint1.html 25 HelloPoint1.js 25 What Is a Shader? 27 The Structure of a WebGL Program that Uses Shaders 28 Initializing Shaders 30 Vertex Shader 33 Fragment Shader 35 The Draw Operation 36 The WebGL Coordinate System 38 Experimenting with the Sample Program 40 Draw a Point (Version 2) 41 Using Attribute Variables 41 Sample Program (HelloPoint2.js) 42 Getting the Storage Location of an Attribute Variable 44 Assigning a Value to an Attribute Variable 45 Family Methods of gl.vertexAttrib3f() 47 Experimenting with the Sample Program 49 Draw a Point with a Mouse Click 50 Sample Program (ClickedPoints.js) 50 Register Event Handlers 52 Handling Mouse Click Events 53 Experimenting with the Sample Program 57 Change the Point Color 58 Sample Program (ColoredPoints.js) 59 Uniform Variables 61 Retrieving the Storage Location of a Uniform Variable 62 Assigning a Value to a Uniform Variable 63 Family Methods of gl.uniform4f() 65 Summary 66 3. Drawing and Transforming Triangles 67 Drawing Multiple Points 68 Sample Program (MultiPoint.js) 70 Using Buffer Objects 72 Create a Buffer Object (gl.createBuffer()) 74 Bind a Buffer Object to a Target (gl.bindBuffer()) 75 Write Data into a Buffer Object (gl.bufferData()) 76 Typed Arrays 78 Assign the Buffer Object to an Attribute Variable (gl.vertexAttribPointer()) 79 Enable the Assignment to an Attribute Variable (gl.enableVertexAttribArray()) 81 The Second and Third Parameters of gl.drawArrays() 82 Experimenting with the Sample Program 84 Hello Triangle 85 Sample Program (HelloTriangle.js) 85 Basic Shapes 87 Experimenting with the Sample Program 89 Hello Rectangle (HelloQuad) 89 Experimenting with the Sample Program 91 Moving, Rotating, and Scaling 91 Translation 92 Sample Program (TranslatedTriangle.js) 93 Rotation 96 Sample Program (RotatedTriangle.js) 99 Transformation Matrix: Rotation 102 Transformation Matrix: Translation 105 Rotation Matrix, Again 106 Sample Program (RotatedTriangle_Matrix.js) 107 Reusing the Same Approach for Translation 111 Transformation Matrix: Scaling 111 Summary 113 4. More Transformations and Basic Animation 115 Translate and Then Rotate 115 Transformation Matrix Library: cuon-matrix.js 116 Sample Program (RotatedTriangle_Matrix4.js) 117 Combining Multiple Transformation 119 Sample Program (RotatedTranslatedTriangle.js) 121 Experimenting with the Sample Program 123 Animation 124 The Basics of Animation 125 Sample Program (RotatingTriangle.js) 126 Repeatedly Call the Drawing Function (tick()) 129 Draw a Triangle with the Specified Rotation Angle (draw()) 130 Request to Be Called Again (requestAnimationFrame()) 131 Update the Rotation Angle (animate()) 133 Experimenting with the Sample Program 135 Summary 136 5. Using Colors and Texture Images 137 Passing Other Types of Information to Vertex Shaders 137 Sample Program (MultiAttributeSize.js) 139 Create Multiple Buffer Objects 140 The gl.vertexAttribPointer() Stride and Offset Parameters 141 Sample Program (MultiAttributeSize_Interleaved.js) 142 Modifying the Color (Varying Variable) 146 Sample Program (MultiAttributeColor.js) 147 Experimenting with the Sample Program 150 Color Triangle (ColoredTriangle.js) 151 Geometric Shape Assembly and Rasterization 151 Fragment Shader Invocations 155 Experimenting with the Sample Program 156 Functionality of Varying Variables and the Interpolation Process 157 Pasting an Image onto a Rectangle 160 Texture Coordinates 162 Pasting Texture Images onto the Geometric Shape 162 Sample Program (TexturedQuad.js) 163 Using Texture Coordinates (initVertexBuffers()) 166 Setting Up and Loading Images (initTextures()) 166 Make the Texture Ready to Use in the WebGL System (loadTexture()) 170 Flip an Image's Y-Axis 170 Making a Texture Unit Active (gl.activeTexture()) 171 Binding a Texture Object to a Target (gl.bindTexture()) 173 Set the Texture Parameters of a Texture Object (gl.texParameteri()) 174 Assigning a Texture Image to a Texture Object (gl.texImage2D()) 177 Pass the Texture Unit to the Fragment Shader (gl.uniform1i()) 179 Passing Texture Coordinates from the Vertex Shader to the Fragment Shader 180 Retrieve the Texel Color in a Fragment Shader (texture2D()) 181 Experimenting with the Sample Program 182 Pasting Multiple Textures to a Shape 183 Sample Program (MultiTexture.js) 184 Summary 189 6. The OpenGL ES Shading Language (GLSL ES) 191 Recap of Basic Shader Programs 191 Overview of GLSL ES 192 Hello Shader! 193 Basics 193 Order of Execution 193 Comments 193 Data (Numerical and Boolean Values) 194 Variables 194 GLSL ES Is a Type Sensitive Language 195 Basic Types 195 Assignment and Type Conversion 196 Operations 197 Vector Types and Matrix Types 198 Assignments and Constructors 199 Access to Components 201 Operations 204 Structures 207 Assignments and Constructors 207 Access to Members 207 Operations 208 Arrays 208 Samplers 209 Precedence of Operators 210 Conditional Control Flow and Iteration 211 if Statement and if-else Statement 211 for Statement 211 continue, break, discard Statements 212 Functions 213 Prototype Declarations 214 Parameter Qualifiers 214 Built-In Functions 215 Global Variables and Local Variables 216 Storage Qualifiers 217 const Variables 217 Attribute Variables 218 Uniform Variables 218 Varying Variables 219 Precision Qualifiers 219 Preprocessor Directives 221 Summary 223 7. Toward the 3D World 225 What's Good for Triangles Is Good for Cubes 225 Specifying the Viewing Direction 226 Eye Point, Look-At Point, and Up Direction 227 Sample Program (LookAtTriangles.js) 229 Comparing LookAtTriangles.js with RotatedTriangle_Matrix4.js 232 Looking at Rotated Triangles from a Specified Position 234 Sample Program (LookAtRotatedTriangles.js) 235 Experimenting with the Sample Program 236 Changing the Eye Point Using the Keyboard 238 Sample Program (LookAtTrianglesWithKeys.js) 238 Missing Parts 241 Specifying the Visible Range (Box Type) 241 Specify the Viewing Volume 242 Defining a Box-Shaped Viewing Volume 243 Sample Program (OrthoView.html) 245 Sample Program (OrthoView.js) 246 Modifying an HTML Element Using JavaScript 247 The Processing Flow of the Vertex Shader 248 Changing Near or Far 250 Restoring the Clipped Parts of the Triangles (LookAtTrianglesWithKeys_ViewVolume.js) 251 Experimenting with the Sample Program 253 Specifying the Visible Range Using a Quadrangular Pyramid 254 Setting the Quadrangular Pyramid Viewing Volume 256 Sample Program (PerspectiveView.js) 258 The Role of the Projection Matrix 260 Using All the Matrices (Model Matrix, View Matrix, and Projection Matrix) ......262 Sample Program (PerspectiveView_mvp.js) 263 Experimenting with the Sample Program 266 Correctly Handling Foreground and Background Objects 267 Hidden Surface Removal 270 Sample Program (DepthBuffer.js) 272 Z Fighting 273 Hello Cube 275 Drawing the Object with Indices and Vertices Coordinates 277 Sample Program (HelloCube.js) 278 Writing Vertex Coordinates, Colors, and Indices to the Buffer Object 281 Adding Color to Each Face of a Cube 284 Sample Program (ColoredCube.js) 285 Experimenting with the Sample Program 287 Summary 289 8. Lighting Objects 291 Lighting 3D Objects 291 Types of Light Source 293 Types of Reflected Light 294 Shading Due to Directional Light and Its Diffuse Reflection 296 Calculating Diffuse Reflection Using the Light Direction and the Orientation of a Surface 297 The Orientation of a Surface: What Is the Normal? 299 Sample Program (LightedCube.js) 302 Add Shading Due to Ambient Light 307 Sample Program (LightedCube_ambient.js) 308 Lighting the Translated-Rotated Object 310 The Magic Matrix: Inverse Transpose Matrix 311 Sample Program (LightedTranslatedRotatedCube.js) 312 Using a Point Light Object 314 Sample Program (PointLightedCube.js) 315 More Realistic Shading: Calculating the Color per Fragment 319 Sample Program (PointLightedCube_perFragment.js) 319 Summary 321 9. Hierarchical Objects 323 Drawing and Manipulating Objects Composed of Other Objects 324 Hierarchical Structure 325 Single Joint Model 326 Sample Program (JointModel.js) 328 Draw the Hierarchical Structure (draw()) 332 A Multijoint Model 334 Sample Program (MultiJointModel.js) 335 Draw Segments (drawBox()) 339 Draw Segments (drawSegment()) 340 Shader and Program Objects: The Role of initShaders() 344 Create Shader Objects (gl.createShader()) 345 Store the Shader Source Code in the Shader Objects (g.shaderSource()) 346 Compile Shader Objects (gl.compileShader()) 347 Create a Program Object (gl.createProgram()) 349 Attach the Shader Objects to the Program Object (gl.attachShader()) 350 Link the Program Object (gl.linkProgram()) 351 Tell the WebGL System Which Program Object to Use (gl.useProgram()) 353 The Program Flow of initShaders() 353 Summary 356 10. Advanced Techniques 357 Rotate an Object with the Mouse 357 How to Implement Object Rotation 358 Sample Program (RotateObject.js) 358 Select an Object 360 How to Implement Object Selection 361 Sample Program (PickObject.js) 362 Select the Face of the Object 365 Sample Program (PickFace.js) 366 HUD (Head Up Display) 368 How to Implement a HUD 369 Sample Program (HUD.html) 369 Sample Program (HUD.js) 370 Display a 3D Object on a Web Page (3DoverWeb) 372 Fog (Atmospheric Effect) 372 How to Implement Fog 373 Sample Program (Fog.js) 374 Use the w Value (Fog_w.js) 376 Make a Rounded Point 377 How to Implement a Rounded Point 377 Sample Program (RoundedPoints.js) 378 Alpha Blending 380 How to Implement Alpha Blending 380 Sample Program (LookAtBlendedTriangles.js) 381 Blending Function 382 Alpha Blend 3D Objects (BlendedCube.js) 384 How to Draw When Alpha Values Coexist 385 Switching Shaders 386 How to Implement Switching Shaders 387 Sample Program (ProgramObject.js) 387 Use What You've Drawn as a Texture Image 392 Framebuffer Object and Renderbuffer Object 392 How to Implement Using a Drawn Object as a Texture 394 Sample Program (FramebufferObjectj.js) 395 Create Frame Buffer Object (gl.createFramebuffer()) 397 Create Texture Object and Set Its Size and Parameters 397 Create Renderbuffer Object (gl.createRenderbuffer()) 398 Bind Renderbuffer Object to Target and Set Size (gl.bindRenderbuffer(), gl.renderbufferStorage()) 399 Set Texture Object to Framebuffer Object (gl.bindFramebuffer(), gl.framebufferTexture2D()) 400 Set Renderbuffer Object to Framebuffer Object (gl.framebufferRenderbuffer()) 401 Check Configuration of Framebuffer Object (gl.checkFramebufferStatus()) 402 Draw Using the Framebuffer Object 403 Display Shadows 405 How to Implement Shadows 405 Sample Program (Shadow.js) 406 Increasing Precision 412 Sample Program (Shadow_highp.js) 413 Load and Display 3D Models 414 The OBJ File Format 417 The MTL File Format 418 Sample Program (OBJViewer.js) 419 User-Defined Object 422 Sample Program (Parser Code in OBJViewer.js) 423 Handling Lost Context 430 How to Implement Handling Lost Context 431 Sample Program (RotatingTriangle_contextLost.js) 432 Summary 434 A. No Need to Swap Buffers in WebGL 437 B. Built-in Functions of GLSL ES 1.0 441 Angle and Trigonometry Functions 441 Exponential Functions 443 Common Functions 444 Geometric Functions 447 Matrix Functions 448 Vector Functions 449 Texture Lookup Functions 451 C. Projection Matrices 453 Orthogonal Projection Matrix 453 Perspective Projection Matrix 453 D. WebGL/OpenGL: Left or Right Handed? 455 Sample Program CoordinateSystem.js 456 Hidden Surface Removal and the Clip Coordinate System 459 The Clip Coordinate System and the Viewing Volume 460 What Is Correct? 462 Summary 464 E. The Inverse Transpose Matrix 465 F. Load Shader Programs from Files 471 G. World Coordinate System Versus Local Coordinate System 473 The Local Coordinate System 474 The World Coordinate System 475 Transformations and the Coordinate Systems 477 H. Web Browser Settings for WebGL 479 Glossary 481 References 485 Index 487

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