Effective group discussion : theory and practice
Effective group discussion : theory and practice
McGraw-Hill, c2013
14th ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Now in its fourteenth successful edition, Effective Group Discussion combines the most recent research findings and practical tools students need to become productive group members. A variety of secondary groups are covered in the text: work groups, committees, task forces, self-directed work teams, and other small groups whose objectives include finding solutions to problems, producing goods, and creating policies.
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PrefacePart I: The Foundations of Communicating in Groups Chapter 1. The Small Groups in Everyone's Life Chapter 2. Human Communication Processes in the Small Group ContextChapter 3. The Small Group as a SystemPart II: Developing the GroupChapter 4. Diversity and the Effects of CultureChapter 5. The Members and Their RolesPart III: Small Group Throughput ProcessesChapter 6. Communication and Group Culture: Tensions, Fantasy, Socialization, Norms, and ClimateChapter 7. Leading Small Groups: Theoretical PerspectivesChapter 8. Leading Small Groups: Practical TipsPart IV: Improving Group OutputsChapter 9. Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups: Theoretical PerspectivesChapter 10. Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups: Practical Tips and TechniquesChapter 11. Managing Conflict in the Small GroupPart V: Group Observation and Evaluation ToolsChapter 12. Tools for Assessing and Evaluating GroupsAppendix A: Preparing for Problem-Solving Discussions: Informational Resources for the GroupAppendix B: Making Public Presentations of the Group's OutputAppendix C: Using Technology to Help Your GroupGlossaryCreditsName IndexSubject Index
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