The stylistics of poetry : context, cognition, discourse, history
Bibliographic Information
The stylistics of poetry : context, cognition, discourse, history
(Advances in stylistics)
Bloomsbury, 2013
- hard back
- : pbk
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
Written over the last thirty years, this collection of Professor Peter Verdonk's most important work on the stylistics of poetry clearly shows that the stylistics of poetic discourse is a diverse and valuable interdiscipline. Discussing the poetry of Auden, Heaney and Larkin amongst many others, Verdonk covers everything from intrinsic textual meaning and external context in its widest sense to the reader's cognitive and emotive response to poems. The book will appeal to all students on stylistics and literary linguistics courses, especially those focussing on poetry and poetic language.
Table of Contents
Preface \ Acknowledgments \ 1. Introduction: Context, Cognition, Discourse, History: Peter Verdonk's Stylistics of Poetry, Dan McIntyre \ 2. Poetic Artifice and Literary Stylistics \ 3. "We have art in order that we may not perish from truth" : The Universe of Discourse in Auden's 'Musee des Beaux Arts' \ 4. Who are the Performers of Owen's "Anthem for Doomed Youth"? \ 5. The Language of Poetry: The Application of Literary Stylistic Theory in University Teaching \ 6. Poems as Text and Discourse: The Poetics of Philip Larkin \ 7. Poetry and Public Life: a Contextualized Reading of Seamus Heaney's 'Punishment' \ 8. The Liberation of the Icon: A Brief Survey from Classical Rhetoric to Cognitive Stylistics \ 9. Painting, Poetry, Parallelism: Ekphrasis, Stylistics and Cognitive Poetics \ 10. Style \ 11. A Cognitive Stylistic Readng of Rhetorical Patterns in Ted Hughes's 'Hawk Roosting': A Possible Role for Stylistics in a Literary Critical Controversy \ Bibliography \ Index
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