
The journey of G. Mastorna : the film Fellini didn't make

Federico Fellini ; with the collaboration of Dino Buzzati, Brunello Rondi and Bernardino Zapponi ; translated and with a commentary by Marcus Perryman

Berghahn, 2013

1st English ed

  • : hardback


Il viaggio di G. Mastorna

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Screenplay and commentary on an unproduced motion picture

Includes bibliographical references (p. [203]-208) and index



Federico Fellini's script for perhaps the most famous unmade film in Italian cinema, The Journey of G. Mastorna (1965/6), is published here for the first time in full English translation. It offers the reader a remarkable insight into Fellini's creative process and his fascination with human mortality and the great mystery of death. Written in collaboration with Dino Buzzati, Brunello Rondi, and Bernardino Zapponi, the project was ultimately abandoned for a number of reasons, including Fellini's near death, although it continued to inhabit his creative imagination and the landscape of his films for the rest of his career. Marcus Perryman has written two supporting essays which discuss the reasons why the film was never made, compare it to the two other films in the trilogy La Dolce Vita and 81/2, and analyze the script in the light of It's a Wonderful Life and Fredric Brown's sci-fi novel What Mad Universe. In doing so he opens up an entire world of connections to Fellini's other films, writers and collaborators. It should be essential reading for students and academics studying Fellini's work.


Foreword Preface Peter Bondanella Introduction The Journey of G. Mastorna by Federico Fellini (with the collaboration of Dino Buzzati, Brunello Rondi and Bernardino Zapponi) Imagining Mastorna Selected Bibliography Index

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