Older workers in an ageing society : critical topics in research and policy


    • Taylor, Philip


Older workers in an ageing society : critical topics in research and policy

edited by Philip Taylor

(Globalization and welfare)

Edward Elgar, c2013

  • hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



This insightful study provides an overview of the changing employment context in industrialized nations, the risks associated with population ageing and how these are being tackled.Prolonging working lives is high on the agenda of policy makers in most of the world's major industrialized nations. This book explains how they are keen to tackle issues associated with the ageing of populations, namely the funding of pension systems and predictions concerning a dwindling labour supply. Yet the recent history of older workers has primarily been one of premature exit from the labour force in the form of redundancy or early retirement. Add to this a previously plentiful supply of younger labor and it is clear that much of industry will be unprepared for the challenges of ageing workforces. Older Workers in an Ageing Society includes up-to-date knowledge on issues of workforce ageing and provides useful commentary on policy responses and will appeal to scholars and public policy-makers. Contributors: D.M. Atwater, E. Besen, E. Brooke, V. Busch, N. Charness, A. Chiva, J. Edlund, P. Ester, G. Evers, F. Go, J. Ilmarinen, S. Little, V.W. Marshall, C. Matz-Costa, C. McLoughlin, G. Naegele, M. Oka, M. Pitt-Catsouphes, S.E. Rix, D.M. Spokus, M. Stattin, H.L. Sterns, P. Taylor, A.L. Wells


Contents: 1. Introduction: Older Workers in an Ageing Society Philip Taylor PART I: PUBLIC POLICY FOR AN AGEING WORKFORCE 2. Public Policy for an Ageing Workforce: How Does the US Compare? Sara E. Rix 3. Older Workers and Older Worker Policies in Germany Gerd Naegele 4. Older Workers in Japan: The Present Situation and the Future Challenges Masato Oka 5. Age and Work in Different Labour Market Contexts Jonas Edlund and Mikael Stattin PART II: INVESTING IN AGEING HUMAN CAPITAL 6. Lifelong Learning and the World of Work Harvey L. Sterns and Diane M. Spokus 7. Job Security in an Insecure World: Adaptations of Older Workers in the IT Industry Neil Charness 8. The Ageing Workforce, Human Capital and the Bermuda Triangle: An Interdependent Analysis Gerard Evers and Peter Ester PART III: REDESIGNING WORKPLACES FOR AN AGEING SOCIETY 9. Redesign of Workplaces for an Ageing Society Juhani Ilmarinen 10. Restyling Human Resources Management of Older Information Technology Workers in an Environment of Daunting Risk Elizabeth Brooke 11. Managing to Work Longer Anthony Chiva 12. Rethinking Recruitment Processes in an Ageing Society Victoria Busch PART IV: GENERATIONS AT THE WORKPLACE 13. Generational Relations and the Workplace: A Critique of the Concept Victor W. Marshall and Amber L. Wells 14. Linking Age to the Quality of Employees' Work Experiences Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, Christina Matz-Costa and Elyssa Besen PART V: MANAGING LABOUR SUPPLY IN AN AGEING SOCIETY 15. Working Longer in a Changing Economy: Will Ageing Populations Mean Ageing Workforces? Philip Taylor and Christopher McLoughlin 16. Managing Older Workers in an Ageing Society Donald M. Atwater 17. Older Workers in a Global Economy: Life Cycle Migration and Knowledge Transfer Stephen Little and Frank Go 18. Review: Agendas in Researching Ageing and Work Philip Taylor Index

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