John Paul Jones and the Battle off Flamborough Head : a reconsideration


John Paul Jones and the Battle off Flamborough Head : a reconsideration

Thomas J. Schaeper

(American university studies, ser. 9 . History ; v. 82)

P. Lang, c1989

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Bibliography: p. [115]-121

Includes index



This book examines John Paul Jones's most famous battle, the one in which his Bonhomme Richard confronted the British Serapis off the coast of England in September 1779. Thomas J. Schaeper argues that the standard interpretation of the event errs in many details concerning such things as the date, the size and relative strength of the ships, and Jones's relationship with his fellow commanders and his crew. The most important feature of this work is its translation and discussion of a heretofore neglected firsthand account of the battle. Schaeper calls into question several cherished beliefs about the abilities and the character of John Paul Jones.


Contents: This book examines the battle that took place off Flamborough Head in September 1779. John Paul Jones lost his Bonhomme Richard, but he captured the British frigate Serapis.

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