New democracy, 1939-1941
Bibliographic Information
New democracy, 1939-1941
(Mao's road to power : revolutionary writings 1912-1949 / Stuart R. Schram, editor ; Nancy J. Hodes, associate editor, v. 7)(An East gate book)
M.E. Sharpe, c2005
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
By 1939 Mao Zedong was a leader in the Chinese Communist Party through his political acumen, his organizing energy, and his executive ability. At the same time, his abilities to shift register, to maintain a sense of the whole and also of the particular, and to absorb seemingly contradictory realities in the social, political and military arenas he
Table of Contents
General Introduction: Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution 1912-1949, Introduction, Note on Sources and Conventions, Part I. Texts, 1939-1941
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